9 items
9 items
Card from Shuji Kimura with photo of Chicago at night (ddr-densho-493-62)
Caption below card front: Chicago 1944
Tulean dispatch magazine section, no. 11 (July 1943) (ddr-csujad-55-1946)
Monthly publication at Tule Lake incarceration camp including stories, poems, commentary and creative writing. Current issue includes an essay, "Does it Pay to Stay Here" by Rev. Shigeo Tanabe, a poem, "Relocation" by Minoru Kimura, "Nisei Personality Adjustment" by James Sakoda, "Gloom" by Buster Sawai, "Outside" by Shuji Kimura, Nisei personality profile on Rev. Shigeo Tanabe, …
Tulean dispatch magazine section, vol. 1, no. 11 (ddr-csujad-26-51)
Monthly publication at Tule Lake incarceration camp including stories, poems, commentary and creative writing. Current issue includes: "Does it pay to stay here?" by Reverend Shigeo Tanabe; "Relocation" by Minoru Kimura; "Nisei personality adjustment: Nisei need to find their perspectives through self-analysis. A valuable article for all evacuees especially resettlers" by James Sakoda; "Gloom" by Buster …
Tulean dispatch magazine section, vol. 1, no. 9 (ddr-csujad-26-50)
Monthly publication at Tule Lake incarceration camp including stories, poems, commentary and creative writing. Current issue includes: "Question 28" by Shuji Kimura; "Mandy's dream" by Frank Hijikata; "Toppers in camp" by Yuri Kobukata, Mary Harumi Sakai, Lorraine Takayama; "Band leader" by Bryan Mayeda, "Bachelors' quarter" by George Nakamura, "Poultry farm" by Makoto Kobukata, "Looking back" by …
Tulean dispatch magazine section, vol. 1, no. 9 (April 1943) (ddr-csujad-55-1637)
Monthly publication at Tule Lake incarceration camp including stories, poems, commentary and creative writing. Current issue includes "Question 28" by Shuji Kimura, "Mandy's Dream" by Frank Hijikata, "Toppers in Camp" by Yuri Kobukata, Mary Harumi Sakai, and Lorraine Takayama, "Band Leader" by Bryan Mayeda, "Bachelor's Quarters" by George Nakamura, "Poultry Farm" by Makoto Kobukata and "Looking …
Tulean dispatch magazine section: holiday edition (ddr-csujad-26-46)
Monthly publication at Tule Lake incarceration camp including stories, poems, commentary and creative writing. Current issue includes: "An editorial" by Howard M. Imazeki; "Her name is woman" by Riley O'Suga; "Christmas tree" by Shuji Kimura; "Six old bachelors" by Miyoko Takagi; "Looking back" by Eugene Okada; "Great American tragedy" by Tsuyoshi Nakamura; "Pure hell" by Yukio …
Cover and page of composition book in Japanese with translations (ddr-ajah-2-890)
With lists of members of the Japanese Language Teachers' Federation