16 items
16 items

Telegram from Lt. George Kerr to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-131)
Telegram inquiring if Ai Chi Sai is available for translation and research work in New York .

Letter from Lt. George Kerr to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-134)
Offer of position in Navy-Columbia University project as a research analyst and instructor. Mostly translation and research. Research Unit 2.

Telegram from Lt. George Kerr to Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-136)
Telegram inviting Tsai to come to New York at earliest convenience. Handwritten note on reverse.

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Lt. George Kerr (ddr-densho-446-132)
Reply to telegram: Tsai is available

Letter from Lt. George Kerr to whom it may concern (ddr-densho-446-142)
Letter recommending Ai Chih Tsai for another position. Tsai has been working for Kerr since April 29, 1944. Translation Unit.

Letter from Robert Cashman to Lt. George Kerr (ddr-densho-446-135)
Tsai has received forms, accepts salary, and is ready to go to NYC.

Letter from Robert Cashman to Lt. George Kerr (ddr-densho-446-137)
Tsai will leave Chicago on the Pennsylvania General and arrive in NYC at 9:30 am on April 28.

Letter from Lt. George Kerr to Selective Service Board 88 (ddr-densho-446-138)
Certifying that Tsai has been employed by the Naval School for Military Government and Administration for full-time work as of May 1, 1944. Details of Tsai's unique language abilities and source of information. Work is confidential.

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Lt. George Kerr (ddr-densho-446-133)
Ai Chih Tsai thanks Kerr and looks forward to meeting him and working under him.

Letter from Lt. George Kerr to Immigration and Naturalization Service (ddr-densho-446-139)
Support for Ai Chih Tsai's request for passport extension. Describes the great importance of Tsai's work to the Navy. Tsai is employed and student visa may be invalid. How to renew the validity of his passport? Has Chinese certificate #1.

Group Photo with Ai Chih Tsai (ddr-densho-446-398)
ACS with his daughter and George Kerr, his commanding supervisor when he worked at the Navy in 1944 (Photo circa Spring 1946)

Statement of Release (ddr-densho-446-141)
Tsai has been employed by Columbia University on behalf of U.S. Navy. He will be available for other employment as of September 30, 1944

Letter from Robert Cashman to Lt. George H. Kerr, Department of War, Military Intelligence Service (ddr-densho-446-75)
Response to Lt. Kerr's letter: Cashman had previously counseled Tsai to maintain his Japanese citizenship; Cashman recommends Tsai's character and recommends him for service. Also includes discussion of Professor Minoru Tabuchi.

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Commander Dowie (ddr-densho-446-167)
Draft of letter to commander in Formosa. Tsai just returned from Japan and thanks Dowie for good news of his family in Taiwan. Tsai is working for War Department in D.C.

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Ai-le (ddr-densho-446-166)
Draft of letter to Ai Chih Tsai's elder brother. Ai Chih Tsai just returned from Japan and is now working for War Dept. in D.C. Intends to return to Taiwan and establish mission work, but must wait until U.S. Government's position on Taiwan is clear. Ai Chih Tsai is contacting mission boards.

Letter from Ai Chih Tsai to Glenn W. Shaw, Navy Language School (ddr-densho-446-140)
Tsai is unable to accept position since he is working for a Navy-Columbia University project.