7 items
7 items

"Hood River Japanese community welcoming dignitaries" (ddr-densho-259-299)
Caption by Yuka Yasui: "Hood River Japanese community welcoming dignitaries." Caption by Homer Yasui: "A very large gathering of Nikkei in front of the Hood River Japanese Community Hall I will guess that the couple in the center was the Japanese ambassador to the United States, Debuchi Kakka and Mrs. Debuchi. According to Corky Kawasaki, Kakka …

Football team (ddr-densho-23-17)
Organized sports such as baseball and football were important for the Japanese American community because they encouraged cohesiveness. Teams composed entirely of Nisei competed against one another. Several Nisei sports leagues were formed in the 1930s. Front (left to right): Torazo Hikida, Ken Shimbo, George Ishii, Jackson Sonada, Genji Nishimura (holding football), "Nap" Nishisaka, Fred Kosaka, …

William Hardy and Shigemitsu Mamoru (ddr-densho-259-326)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "This sailor must have been William Hardy, who was a cabin boy aboard one of Commodore Matthew C. Perry's ships which were used to force an entrance to Japan in 1853 Corky Kawasaki translated the Japanese writing, which from left to right is: Yasui, Masuo Dono [Mister or Esquire]...It was signed by …

5th Annual NWYPBF convention (ddr-sbbt-3-2)
Group photograph of the Fifth Annual Northwest Young People's Buddhist Federation convention attendees.

8th Annual NWYBL convention (ddr-sbbt-3-5)
Group photograph of the Eighth Annual Northwest Young Buddhist League convention's White River Chapter attendees.

2nd National Young Buddhist convention (ddr-sbbt-3-10)
Group photograph of the Second National Young Buddhist convention attendees.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 1 (January 2, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-1)
Selected article titles: "War bride studies for naturalization while in hospital, discharged as citizen" (p. 1), "Sansei youth return $4,000 found in bag given them to wrap small purchase items" (p. 1), "Race bias charged in employment of clerical workers" (p. 1), "Mass naturalization rites of 126 Issei, integration of evacuees into So. Jersey community recalled …