8 items
8 items
Hippo Kawahara (ddr-densho-287-233)
Photograph of Hippo Kawahara sitting on a dock in front of a large pile of fishing nets. Written on the album page is "'Hippo' Kawahara" in white ink.
At the Cannery (ddr-densho-287-229)
Photograph of 5 men standing outside the Waterfall Cannery. Front row left to right: Sad, Bill, and Hippo Kawahara. Back row from left to right: Monkey and Horse. Written on the album page below the image is "Monkey - Horse - Sad - Bill - Hippo" in white ink.
Hippo and Kenny (ddr-densho-287-325)
Photograph of Hippo Kawahara (left) and Kenny (right) sitting on wood beams on a dock. Written on the album page below the image is "Hippo - Kenny" in white pencil.
Hippo and Mits (ddr-densho-287-163)
Photograph of two men in bathing suits doing a two person handstand. Written below the image is "Hippo - Mits" in white ink.
Hippo, Monks, and Yankee (ddr-densho-287-188)
Photograph of three men sitting aboard a ship. Written on the album page below the image is "Hippo - Monks - Yankee" in white ink.
A bit of a tango (ddr-densho-287-161)
Photograph of two men in bathing suits on a wooden dock- one man appears to be mimicing a wreasling move. From left to right: Hippo Kawahara and Mits Kashiwagi. Written above the image on the album page is "Hippo - Mits" in white ink. Written below the image on the album page is "A bit of …
Group of six (ddr-densho-287-307)
Photograph of six men. Back row left to right: Nachi, Hippo Kawahara, Mits Kashiwagi. Front row left to right: unidentified, Sammy Hokari, Monks Shimahara. Written on the album page above the image is "Nachi - Hippo - Mits" in white ink. Written on the album page the image is "1935 - Sammy - Monks" in white …
Football team (ddr-densho-23-17)
Organized sports such as baseball and football were important for the Japanese American community because they encouraged cohesiveness. Teams composed entirely of Nisei competed against one another. Several Nisei sports leagues were formed in the 1930s. Front (left to right): Torazo Hikida, Ken Shimbo, George Ishii, Jackson Sonada, Genji Nishimura (holding football), "Nap" Nishisaka, Fred Kosaka, …