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3 items
Portrait of Minoru Kawabata (ddr-njpa-4-552)
img Portrait of Minoru Kawabata (ddr-njpa-4-552)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Mr. Minoru Kawabata, Western painter, August 1935."
Eden Township JACL 60th anniversary program (ddr-densho-329-841)
doc Eden Township JACL 60th anniversary program (ddr-densho-329-841)
Program for the 60th Anniversary Celebration & Annual Installation Dinner of the Eden Township JACL in San Lorenzo, California. Program lists the order of events for a speaking program and dinner, a list of charter members of the 1936 Eden Township Chapter of the JACL and the 1997 Eden Township JACL, introduces Herbert Yamanishi as National …
Memoirs 1943 - Minidoka High School Yearbook (ddr-densho-474-48)
doc Memoirs 1943 - Minidoka High School Yearbook (ddr-densho-474-48)
Yearbook for the Minidoka High School, property of Starr Urakawa. The school included grades 8-12. Individual students are photographed in senior portraits or class photos. Student activities are represented, including student labor/work experience program ("part-time workers"), May Day royalty, and sports. Student signatures are included throughout the book.