4 items
4 items
Nisei boys at the beach (ddr-densho-259-127)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "[This is] the Columbia River beach at the [Yasui family's] Mosier farm, and Ches [Tsuyoshi Yasui] & Min[oru Yasui], and the 2 Kanemasu brothers, Kazuo and Wataru, are playing around in the water in their underwear."
Portrait of wedding party (ddr-densho-259-533)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Wedding party portrait of Ray [Ches] Tsuyoshi Yasui and Mikie Kageyama. This photograph was probably taken in the parlor of Ernest C. and Alice Smith in Hood River."
Young People's Christian Conference (ddr-densho-259-365)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "I think that this gathering took place in front of what was then called the Centenary Wilbur Methodist Church, in Portland I suspect that this was a YPCC--Young People's Christian Conference--because many of the Nisei are wearing identification badges."
Hood River Japanese community band (ddr-densho-259-319)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "The Hood River Japanese community band--or maybe it was the Hood River Japanese Methodist Church Band I think that LeRoy Burns used to lead this band and maybe later on it was a Mr. Savo, but in this picture, neither of them are pictured. This was taken on the wooden front steps …