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8 items
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-9)
img WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-9)
Original WRA caption: It's suppertime for the kiddies and in their well-furnished, well-stocked kitchen Mrs. George Isoda, left, and Mrs. Masumi Kaneko, right, are preparing the evening meal for their children. With a pair of "ohashis", Mrs. Isoda is preparing a vegetable dish for her 2-1/2 -year-old son, Robin, on the left, while Mrs. Kaneko is …
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-7)
img WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-7)
Original WRA caption: Here is a corner view of the spacious living room in the home of the Kaneko and the Isoda families who have resettled in Milwaukee. Mrs. Tei Kaneko is opening her knitting bag while on the floor (left to right) are Robin Isoda, 2-1/2 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Georg[e] Isoda, and …
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-6)
img WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-6)
Original WRA caption: "Here is a corner view of the spacious living room in the home of the Kaneko and Isoda families who have resettled in Milwaukee. Mrs. Tei Kaneko is opening her knitting bag while on the floor (left to right) are Robin Isoda, 2-1/2, son of Mr. and Mrs. Georg[e] Isoda, and Wayne Kaneko, …
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-5)
img WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-5)
Original WRA caption: When the children of the Isoda and the Kaneko families grow up, when Wayne Kaneko and Robin Isoda are old enough to go to grade school, they will attend the Congress School, District No. 1, on Milwaukee's north side. The school, shown in this picture, is but a few blocks from their home. …
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-12)
img WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-12)
Original WRA caption: When Mrs. Masumi Kaneko goes shopping, she likes to take her young 2-1/2-year-old son, Wayne, to the store with her. Here Mrs. Kaneko, comfortably dressed in a sport coat and slacks, is leaving her Milwaukee home to visit the nearby shopping center. The Kanekos live at 4301 with another Nisei family, Mr. and …
WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-13)
img WRA resettlement image (ddr-densho-7-13)
Original WRA caption: One corner in the basement of the home of the Kanekos and the Isodas has been turned into the kiddies' playroom for the two young sons of these families. In this box of play sand, Robin Isoda is pouring out a cup of make-believe coffee for his cousin, Wayne Kaneko. Both youngsters are …
Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-181)
doc Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-181)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1980