3 items
3 items

High school basketball team (ddr-densho-159-258)
Back (L to R): John Kashiwabara, Dag Nakatogawa, Ken Kashiwabara, Frank Gei, Cal Kitazuma, Goro Shizuru, Russel Yamaga. Front (L to R): John Mizoue, Hank Shimada, Harry Kajioka, Tosh Okumura, Jun Furuno.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 3 (January 16, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-3)
Selected article titles: "Racial Relocation to ease tension?" (p. 1), "Anti-Nisei housing bias mooted by Utah civil righters" (p. 1), "50 of Calif.'s 80 Assemblymen Co-Author FEPC" (p. 1), "Univ. of Chicago Issei artist retires after 50-year association with college" (p. 1), "Columnist in L.A. Times comments on evacuation, hopes Sansei have as much diligence for …