5 items
5 items
Envelope of Donald Isami Doi photographs (ddr-njpa-5-412)
Caption on front: "1964-65 president of Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce."
Donald Isami Doi (ddr-njpa-5-413)
Caption on front: "Mr. Donald I. Doi, President 1964-1965 Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce."
Name check for Takami Hibiya (ddr-densho-381-137)
A history of Takami Hibiya's family, education, employment, and community activities.
Conrad Akamine and Takaaki Nakata (ddr-njpa-5-103)
Caption on reverse: "Japanese Jaycees Install New Prexy: Conrad K. Akamine, left, and Takaaki Nakata are the incoming and outgoing presidents of the Honolulu Japanese Junior Chamber of Commerce. The former, who was installed at a banquet held at the Princess Kaiulani Hotel last night, is shown receiving a poi pounder which he will use as …
Investigative report of Takami Hibiya (ddr-densho-381-138)
A previously confidential federal investigation of Takami Hibiya's history, family, and American loyalty.