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1555 items
Cherry Kinoshita Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1000-34-12)
vh Cherry Kinoshita Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1000-34-12)
Getting involved in the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)
Japanese American Citizens League celebration (ddr-densho-136-40)
img Japanese American Citizens League celebration (ddr-densho-136-40)
This JACL celebration took place at the Olympic Hotel in Downtown Seattle.
Mitsuko Hashiguchi Segment 32 (ddr-densho-1000-12-32)
vh Mitsuko Hashiguchi Segment 32 (ddr-densho-1000-12-32)
Role of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) during mass removal; husband's role as messenger between Bellevue, Washington community and Seattle JACL
Fourth biennial Japanese American Citizens League convention (ddr-densho-259-305)
img Fourth biennial Japanese American Citizens League convention (ddr-densho-259-305)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Posed group of JACL [Japanese American Citizens League] members at the 4th biennial national convention held in Seattle, September 1936. There are only some 50-75 people present, which indicates how small the beginnings of JACL were."
JACL Convention (ddr-densho-18-44)
img JACL Convention (ddr-densho-18-44)
The Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) Convention outside the Jackson Building in Seattle's Nihonmachi.
Japanese American Citizens League at March on Washington (ddr-densho-379-435)
img Japanese American Citizens League at March on Washington (ddr-densho-379-435)
JACL members marching in the March on Washington on August 28, 1963. Todd Endo is holding the left side of the JACL banner.
Letter to Deborah Lim to Frank Emi (ddr-densho-122-386)
doc Letter to Deborah Lim to Frank Emi (ddr-densho-122-386)
Discussing Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) actions during internment, personal information redacted.
Photo of Saburo Kido (ddr-densho-122-627)
img Photo of Saburo Kido (ddr-densho-122-627)
Kido was the wartime president of the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)
Japanese American Citizens League at March on Washington (ddr-densho-379-434)
img Japanese American Citizens League at March on Washington (ddr-densho-379-434)
A group photograph of members of the JACL that attended the March on Washington on August 28, 1963.
In front of Japanese American Citizens League building (ddr-densho-10-230)
img In front of Japanese American Citizens League building (ddr-densho-10-230)
Caption on reverse: "L-R: Dean Hayasaka, Visual Communications camerman, John Esaki, Visual Communications producer/director, Shosuke Sasaki, Seattle redress pioneer, Mike Nakata, Seattle redress pioneer, Chuck Kato, Seattle redress pioneer, Cherry Kinoshita, JACL Redress Video Project Chair, Henry Miyatake, Seattle redress pioneer, Ken Nakano, Seattle redress pioneer. In front of building in which JACL was first organized …
JACL National Convention Board Meeting minutes (ddr-densho-280-49)
doc JACL National Convention Board Meeting minutes (ddr-densho-280-49)
Minutes from the seventh National Convention Board Meeting of the Japanese American Citizens League.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 90 , No. 2086 (March 28, 1980) (ddr-pc-52-12)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 90 , No. 2086 (March 28, 1980) (ddr-pc-52-12)
Selected article titles: "Senate panel hears JACL redress bill" (p. 1 and 11), "Without commitment, Nisei may be 'invisible' " (p. 4), "National JACL Constitution - Bylaws" (p. 8, 9, 11, and 12)
doc Memorandum: "Revised Redress Proposal" (ddr-densho-274-70)
Memorandum issued by the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) regarding a revised redress proposal approved by the JACL National Council.
Memo from Roger Baldwin Of the ACLU regarding the Japanese American Council for Democracy (ddr-densho-122-417)
doc Memo from Roger Baldwin Of the ACLU regarding the Japanese American Council for Democracy (ddr-densho-122-417)
Notes on opinion of Yoshitaka Takagi, Executive Secretary of JACD, and the Japanese American Citizens League (JACL)
Women lined up at a picnic (ddr-densho-433-1224)
img Women lined up at a picnic (ddr-densho-433-1224)
Women lined up at a JACL picnic at Crow Canyon Park. Written on verso: Sha-shin-kikon, JACL picnic, 7/49. Duplicate of ddr-densho-433-639.
JACL membership drive booth (ddr-densho-433-1227)
img JACL membership drive booth (ddr-densho-433-1227)
Written on verso: JACL picnic, July 1949, Crow Canyon Park. Duplicate of ddr-densho-433-644.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 91, No. 2105 (September 12, 1980) (ddr-pc-52-31)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 91, No. 2105 (September 12, 1980) (ddr-pc-52-31)
Selected article titles: "For the Lack of Software..." (p. 1), "JACL Washington Office Index 1979-80" (p. 3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 91, No. 2113 (November 7, 1980) (ddr-pc-52-39)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 91, No. 2113 (November 7, 1980) (ddr-pc-52-39)
Selected article titles: " 'Hito Hata: Raise the Banner' " (p. 1 and 8), "JACL National Youth Conference Revisited" (p. 6).
Man with watermelons (ddr-densho-433-642)
img Man with watermelons (ddr-densho-433-642)
Man with watermelons at JACL picnic at Crow Canyon Park.
Scrapbook of the Monterey Peninsula Junior Japanese American Citizens League (ddr-csujad-44-199)
img Scrapbook of the Monterey Peninsula Junior Japanese American Citizens League (ddr-csujad-44-199)
Scrapbook of the Monterey Peninsula Junior Japanese American Citizens League. Features color photographs of Junior JACL members playing games together and socializing at dinners, dances, picnics, and at the beach. Several photographs also document the group's trip to Utah for the National Junior JACL Convention. A number of pages include captions cut from magazines and other …