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2923 items
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 22 (November 30, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-48)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 55, No. 22 (November 30, 1962) (ddr-pc-34-48)
Selected article titles: "Chapter Protests Effective in Quelling Use of 'Jap' on TV" (p.1), "JACL Welcomes Kennedy Order Banning Housing Bias" (p.1-2), "Equal Opportunity in Housing Established" (p.1), "Lack of Racial Pride by American Negro Holding Down their Progress, Leader Says" (p.1), "Urge Study of Bias in Child Care Homes by Welfare Board" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, No. 18 (November 1, 1963) (ddr-pc-35-44)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, No. 18 (November 1, 1963) (ddr-pc-35-44)
Selected article titles: "U.S. Supreme Court to Review Constitutionality of 1940 Law Stripping Citizenship from Naturalized Persons Overseas 3 Years" (p. 1), "Washington Newsletter: Prewar Yen Deposit Issue on Supreme Court Calendar" (pp. 1-2), "Separate JACL Civil Rights Fund to Implement Statement Urged" (p. 1), and "Drama-Critic Says Nisei Should Research, Not Reject, Negro History; Mag …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, Vol. 19 (May 8, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-19)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, Vol. 19 (May 8, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-19)
Selected article titles: "'Twilight Zone' Episode Repeats Pearl Harbor Rumor against Nisei" (p.1), "Purpose and Use of JACL's New Civil Rights Fund Aired" (p.1-2), "President Johnson Commends JACL for Efforts against Discrimination" (p.1); "Status of Civil Rights Bill" (p.2), "JACLer Glad to Have Picketed against Housing Initiative" (p.2), "Racial Quotas Hiring Demand Ruled Illegal" (p.4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, Vol. 25 (June 19, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-25)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 58, Vol. 25 (June 19, 1964) (ddr-pc-36-25)
Selected article titles: "President Johnson May Sign Civil Rights Omnibus July 4" (p.1-2), "JACL Convention to Fete Ben Kuroki for Aiding Evacuees" (p.1), "PSWDC Proposals to Defeat Housing Initiative Bared" (p.1), "Denaturalized Issei Overstaying Abroad Asked to Reapply" (p.1), "Questions of Youth Assembly" (p.2), "Canada Not Proud of Wartime Treatement of Evacuees: Pearson" (p.3).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 53, No. 21 (November 24, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-47)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 53, No. 21 (November 24, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-47)
Selected article titles: "42 Restaurants Along Hwy. 40 Ends Race Bias" (pp. 1, 3), "150 Fresno Area Issei Honored by JACL, Hear Yoshimura Report on 'Issei Story'" (p. 1), "'How Much Nipponese Culture Should We Teach Children?' Revives Memories of Roaring '20 Days of Yesler Way Hall" (p. 3), and "Adopted Children from Japan Picking Up …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 52, No. 3 (January 20, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-3)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 52, No. 3 (January 20, 1961) (ddr-pc-33-3)
Selected article titles: "JACL Policy on Aging Adopted by White House Conference: Issei Background Cited as Factor" (p. 1), "Advocates of Financing Program for Age Through Social Security in Huge Majority" (p. 1), "Issei Poem Read Before Emperor" (p. 3), and "Hope Someday 'Most Successful Lobbyist in Washington' Will Be Decorated for His Crusade to Aid …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 109, No. 6 (September 8, 1989) (ddr-pc-61-31)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 109, No. 6 (September 8, 1989) (ddr-pc-61-31)
Selected article titles: "Heart Mountain's Fair Play Committee: So. Calif. JACLers Throw Spotlights on Nisei WWII Draft Resistance Movement" (pp. 1, 10, 12), "Initial Redress Notices Being Mailed to Those Aged 90 and Up" (pp. 1, 10), "Portland Memorial Garden Project Gains Momentum" (p. 3), and "350 Outstanding Students Across Nation Apply: Profiles: National JACL Scholarship …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 103, No. 14 (October 3, 1986) (ddr-pc-58-39)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 103, No. 14 (October 3, 1986) (ddr-pc-58-39)
Selected article titles: "Change in JACL Election Laws Urged: Bloc Voting, Proxies at Issue After Charges of 'Coercion'" (pp. 1-2, 5), "JA Ethnic Hospitals Gone But Still Needed, Researcher Says" (pp. 1, 8), "Congressmen, Community Leaders Protest: Minorities React Angrily to Nakasone's Remark on Race" (pp. 1, 3), and "GM Exec, Nevada Official Chided for Calling …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 84, No. 2 (January 21, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-2)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 84, No. 2 (January 21, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-2)
Selected article titles: "Wendy's [Yoshimura] Lawyer Sees Acquittal" (p.1, 10), "Controversey Boils Over 'Jap' in Book Title" (p.1), "It Will Cost a Little More to Travel in Japan-30-50% on Railways" (p.3), "Conscience of JACL" (p.5), "Japanese-Canadians: From 1877-1977 In Pics" (p.9), "Final Words for Edison Uno: Lives of Many Touched and Influenced" (p.11).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 84, No. 11 (March 25, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-11)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 84, No. 11 (March 25, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-11)
Selected article titles: "Ariyoshi Plan to Save Hawaii Life Style Against Population Growth May Need Type of Justification Used for Evacuation" (p.1, 3), "New JACL Director Is Karl Nobuyuki" (p.1), "Text for Tule Lake Plaque OK" (p.1), "Reparation Grants to Community Groups Seen as 'Misappropriation' by Seattleites" (p.3), "Somtething's Rotten in the U.S.: Anti-Nisei Racism" (p.4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 84, No. 14 (April 15, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-14)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 84, No. 14 (April 15, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-14)
Selected article titles: "JACL Mourns Death of Saburo Kido, 74" (p.1), "Gov't Hearing Being Sought to Probe Anti-Asian Bias in Jobs" (p.1, 12), "Evacuees Defend Choice of Words for Tule Lake Plaque" (p.1), "Midwest Nisei Retirement Session Held" (p.9), "Asian American Men Pace White Collar Force on Federal Payroll with Top Median Income" (p.12).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 6 (August 5, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-30)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 85, No. 6 (August 5, 1977) (ddr-pc-49-30)
Selected article titles: "Pro-Minority Text Dropped from OK List" (p.1, 3), "Bakke Case Jeopardizes Civil Rights Won Since 1940s, Rep. Chisholm Tells JACL" (p.1, 3), "Internment Credit Bill Hearing Set" (p.2), "Assembly Centers to Be Historical Site" (p.2), "Fresno Senior Citizens Express Needs in Survey" (p.3), "Nisei in Japan: Japanese and Nikkei Influences" (p.8).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 76, No. 20, (May 25, 1973) (ddr-pc-45-20)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 76, No. 20, (May 25, 1973) (ddr-pc-45-20)
Select article titles: "Plaque at Manzanar Camp 'Outraged' Seek Change" (p.1); "Seek Civil Service Retirement Credit for WRA Time" (p.1); "Rep. Matsunaga Appeals to President to Aid Filipino Immigrants in U.S." (p.1); "Day Workshop for Asian Elderly Seeks Local Aid" (p.2); "Denver Dedicates Sakura Square" (p.3); "Chinese in U.S. to Form Group Similar to JACL" (p.4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 79, No. 1 (July 5, 1974) (ddr-pc-46-26)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 79, No. 1 (July 5, 1974) (ddr-pc-46-26)
Biennium in Review Issue. Selected article titles: "Administration at Headquarters: New Guidelines and Systems Improve Daily Procedures, Services to Chapters" (pp. 1, 5), "U.S.-Japan Relations: JACL Steps Up Contracts with Both Governments, Media" (pp. 1-2), "JACL's Anti-Defamation Committee: Racism Abuses Nikkei" (p. 3), and "American-Style Concentration Camps: Historical Landmark Plaques, Pilgrimages Recall WW2 Evacuation" (p. 4).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 10 (March 12, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-10)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 94, No. 10 (March 12, 1982) (ddr-pc-54-10)
Selected article titles: "Before Supreme Court: Seattle JACL Files Supporting Brief on Desegregating Schools" (pp. 1, 4), "Redress Phase 4: 'Direct' Individual Payment" (p. 2), "40th Anniversary of E.O. 9066 Proclamation: Silence: a 40-Year Cover-Up Conspiracy?" (p. 2), "From the Frying Pan: When Are Asian Americans Not a Minority?" (p. 5), and "Service to Community Undermines …
Pacific Citizen, Whole No. 2,256, Vol. 97, No. 12 (September 16, 1983) (ddr-pc-55-36)
doc Pacific Citizen, Whole No. 2,256, Vol. 97, No. 12 (September 16, 1983) (ddr-pc-55-36)
Selected article titles: "Another 'Vincent Chin' case looming in San Francisco" (p. 1), "Canada proposes tightening security law; Nisei protests" (p. 1), "Asian American studies, like other ethnic courses, failing" (p. 1), "Wash. State sends out $2,500 'reparation' checks to 16 Nisei" (p. 1), "'Affimative Action' for JACL" (p. 4), "Sen. Inouye in stern talk on …
Pacific Citizen, Whole No. 2134, Vol. 92, No. 15 (April 17, 1981) (ddr-pc-53-15)
doc Pacific Citizen, Whole No. 2134, Vol. 92, No. 15 (April 17, 1981) (ddr-pc-53-15)
Selected article titles: "Asians 'fastest growing' ethnics in Calif.: 140%" (p. 1), "JACL reconstitutes nat'l redress committee" (p. 1), "PBS rejects 'Hito Hata'" (p. 1), "Redress workshops offer tips for hearing testimony" (p. 1), "Membership dips 16%; new dues may be cause" (p. 2), "Dramatic But Little Known Stories of WW2" (p. 5), "Nikkei professor's office …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 98, No. 22 (June 8, 1984) (ddr-pc-56-22)
img Pacific Citizen, Vol. 98, No. 22 (June 8, 1984) (ddr-pc-56-22)
Selected article titles: "Pathetic Hordes, Inscrutable Fiends: News media, Hollywood revive slurs" (p. 1), "Candidates for JACL national office announced" (p. 1), "Memorial to internees of WW2 center defaced" (p. 1), "Legal maneuvering begins on Hirabayashi coram nobis case: 'challenge of the century'" (p. 2), Landmark dedicated to Issei 'Grape King'" (p. 2), "A Visit to …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 120, No. 12 (June 16-July 6, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-12)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 120, No. 12 (June 16-July 6, 1995) (ddr-pc-67-12)
Selected article titles: "Affirmative Action Programs Limited by Supreme Court" (pp. 1, 12), "JACL Opposes Cuts in Number of Legal Immigrants Allowed" (pp. 1, 5, 12), "Central California Highway to Honor 100/442nd, MIS" (p. 4), "Sgt. John Matsumoto Quiet Saga of WWII Nisei Aerial Gunner" (p. 5), and "Tracing the Jewish-Nisei Connection: Inouye, Vets Reunited with …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 121, No. 12 (January 5-18, 1996) (ddr-pc-68-1)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 121, No. 12 (January 5-18, 1996) (ddr-pc-68-1)
Selected article titles: "At the Helm: An Interview with Herbert Yamanishi Who Begins His New Job as JACL National Director This First Month of the New Year" (pp. 1, 4-5), "Japanese Government Honors Tanaka" (p. 5), and "A Sweet and Flavorful Story: More Than a Story About Peaches, David Mas Masumoto's Book Chronicles a Way of …
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-171)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, November 1940 (ddr-csujad-44-171)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of the Pacific Citizen newspaper, revision of the JACL constitution, and preparations for the 1941 convention. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0170
Letter from Harry and Yaso Ueno to Michi and Walter Weglyn, June 03, 1987 (ddr-csujad-24-44)
doc Letter from Harry and Yaso Ueno to Michi and Walter Weglyn, June 03, 1987 (ddr-csujad-24-44)
A letter from Harry and Yaso Ueno to Michi and Walter Weglyn in which the authors lament a United States Supreme Court and criticize Japanese American Citizens' League (JACL) leader Mike Masaoka. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: chi_02_003
General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 21, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-111)
doc General meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 21, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-111)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of matters relating to the Pacific Citizen bill, flag donation, Soap Box Derby, and JACL National Convention. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0110
Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 13, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-110)
doc Executive meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, July 13, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-110)
Minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League executive meeting. Includes discussion of matters relating to the Soap Box Derby, Fourth of July, county fair, and National JACL Convention. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0109
Special general meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 4, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-113)
doc Special general meeting of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League, August 4, 1938 (ddr-csujad-44-113)
Meeting minutes of the Monterey Peninsula Japanese American Citizens League. Includes discussion of matters relating to the skating party and raffle, JACL National Convention, and a bill from the Pacific Citizen. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: csumb_ms15_0112