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Family sitting in Model T (ddr-ajah-6-62)
Caption below photo: Katsutaro Iwaihara at the wheel with son, Masanobu. Wife Yaye with baby Katsue. Far right is daughter Shigeko, born in 1911 and was quite young looking for her age. The family Fort model T is parked where Eucalyptus trees still stood at the time near the Fernside district in Alameda, CA.
Interview with Shigeko Iwaihara Koga (ddr-ajah-3-354)
Shigeko Iwaihara Koga was born March 23, 1911. She was a member of the Alameda Buddhist Temple. In 1916, Mrs. Koga returned to Japan and enrolled in grade school. The family returned to Alameda, California, in 1918 where Mrs. Koga atended Porter Elementary School. She was incarcerated at the Poston concentration camp, Arizona. Mrs. Koga became …