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2364 items
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1000-129-18)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1000-129-18)
Dilemma faced as editor of the Heart Mountain Sentinel: report the truth without provoking negative sentiment and riots
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-129-6)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-129-6)
Facing discrimination while pursuing a career in journalism: told by a professor, "No American publisher is gonna ever hire you"
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-129-10)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-129-10)
Observations about the world climate shortly before the outbreak of World War II
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1000-129-3)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1000-129-3)
Father's activism in community groups; encouraged by parents to attend a Christian church
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1000-129-2)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1000-129-2)
Speaking English for the first time in grade school, exposure to other ethnicities
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 27 (ddr-densho-1000-129-27)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 27 (ddr-densho-1000-129-27)
Reaction to the outcomes of the coram nobis cases; thoughts on whether the incarceration could happen again: unlikely, but possible
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-129-11)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-129-11)
The bombing of Pearl Harbor: reaction of Japanese Americans, role of the media
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 26 (ddr-densho-1000-129-26)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 26 (ddr-densho-1000-129-26)
Initial opposition to "reparations": felt that "it cheapened our sacrifice," later changed to support "redress" and an apology
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 25 (ddr-densho-1000-129-25)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 25 (ddr-densho-1000-129-25)
Covering the civil rights movement: "no comparison" between the struggles of African Americans and Japanese Americans
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-129-7)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-129-7)
Involvement in the Japanese American Citizens League; Nisei identity as a member of white society
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-129-5)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-129-5)
Attending the University of Washington while working part-time for Jimmie Sakamoto and the Japanese American Courier
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 20 (ddr-densho-1000-129-20)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 20 (ddr-densho-1000-129-20)
Niseis' reaction to the so-called "loyalty questionnaire": "Mostly, it was a confusion that developed gradually into anger"; deciding to answer "yes-yes"
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-129-4)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-129-4)
Initial interest in journalism while attending Garfield High School
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 22 (ddr-densho-1000-129-22)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 22 (ddr-densho-1000-129-22)
Feelings about the resisters: have to understand the situation at the time
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 15 (ddr-densho-1000-129-15)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 15 (ddr-densho-1000-129-15)
Outrage expressed in newspaper columns written while in Puyallup Assembly Center may have contributed to reputation as a "troublemaker"
Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 21 (ddr-densho-1000-129-21)
vh Bill Hosokawa Interview Segment 21 (ddr-densho-1000-129-21)
Leaving camp to work as a copy editor for the Des Moines Register in Iowa
Gordon Hirabayashi Interview II Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-18-10)
vh Gordon Hirabayashi Interview II Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-18-10)
Various influences on the path toward becoming a conscientious objector
Gordon Hirabayashi Interview II Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1000-18-18)
vh Gordon Hirabayashi Interview II Segment 18 (ddr-densho-1000-18-18)
Pinning hopes on the Supreme Court: "[T]heir main existence is to uphold the Constitution ... How in the world can they uphold [the convictions] against me?"
Gordon Hirabayashi Interview II Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1000-18-3)
vh Gordon Hirabayashi Interview II Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1000-18-3)
Prewar life at the University of Washington: extra-curricular activities open to Japanese American students, but not the Greek system
Gordon Hirabayashi Interview II Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1000-18-8)
vh Gordon Hirabayashi Interview II Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1000-18-8)
YMCA Leadership Conference in 1940, and the conflict between a belief in American ideals and the reality of daily discrimination