982 items
982 items

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-106)
Visited Pisa, is planning to send Kathleen money to visit his folks

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-126)
Played softball, heard that his parents want Kathleen and Yuri (Aileen) to go with them to San Jose, but he wants them to stay in camp

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-109)
Hoping to be home soon, asking if Kathleen can send a pair of civilian shoes and cigarettes

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-145)
Unit is being moved again, doesn't get along with his sargent, doesn't like the men in the 442nd, even his brother Archie is different.

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-57)
Sad about missing holidays with Kathleen and Yuri (Aileen)

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-112)
Went to a beach near Rome on day off, got sunburned, would like to learn to swim.

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-146)
Excitement about the war being over, wishing he could come home

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-160)
Doesn't want her to join his family on the farm in Mt. View because he doesn't want her to do farm work, but will understand if she goes, is sorry to miss his sister's wedding to Walter.

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-75)
Receiving copies of the "Bussei Review" from Poston

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-62)
Changing units to the 385th Replacement company

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-143)
Unit is moving again, promises to send money, wonders how much she has saved and whether it is enough to have another baby.

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-52)
Written from overseas to Kathleen, most likely at Heart Mountain, heard about his brother Archie making Sgt, weather is terrible.

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-86)
Telling Kathleen not to worry, he is doing fine, asks for some money to buy a few things, heard about his brother Archie being promoted to staff sergeant.

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-122)
Going to Florence on a day off, destroyed all the letters from her and Yuri (Aileen) because he got made at something she wrote.

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-135)
Members of his unit are being sent home, but he hasn't received any orders yet.

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-70)
Sending money to his mother, asking about others at Heart Mountain

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-80)
Looking forward to coming home

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-76)
Cold weather, hoping Kathleen and Yuri (Aileen) have a good Christmas

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-103)
Sent somethings and money for Yuri (Aileen)'s birthday, expects to go to Rome soon and will look for some things to buy there

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-150)
Hoping that since the war is over, they will lower the points needed to come home, listening to old songs that remind him of the old days before the war

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-120)
Describing train trip transferring to new location between Florence and Pisa and how all the village are bombed, including Pisa

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-88)
Transferred to new company, the 595th Replacement Company, 6th brigade

Letter from Alvin Uchiyama to Kathleen Koga Uchiyama (ddr-densho-406-63)
Sad to be missing the holidays, very cold weather where he is