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301 items
Engagement party for Elaine Isoshima and Don Shimono (ddr-densho-477-378)
img Engagement party for Elaine Isoshima and Don Shimono (ddr-densho-477-378)
From left to right: Takeo Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Elaine Isoshima, and Don Shimono. The caption below the photo reads "Tak & Mitzi held a News Year Day open house where Engagement announced Jan. 1968" in black ink.
Making New Year's Makizushi (ddr-densho-477-701)
img Making New Year's Makizushi (ddr-densho-477-701)
Photograph of Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono (left), making makizushi with her mom Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (center) as her father, Takeo Isoshima (right) looks on. The caption below the photo reads "Making Makizushi for New Years Day" in black ink.
Isoshima family dinner celebration (ddr-densho-477-572)
img Isoshima family dinner celebration (ddr-densho-477-572)
Photograph of the Isoshima family cheersing at a restaurant. Starting from the far right, moving counter-clockwise around the table: Takeo Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Donald Shimono, Frank Nishimura, David Nishimura, Scott Nishimura, Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura, Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono, Kellie Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, probably Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima, and probably Steven Kanzaki. The caption below the phot reads …
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima among boxes (ddr-densho-477-672)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima among boxes (ddr-densho-477-672)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (right) standing among the many boxes used to help them move. The caption below the photo reads "Just a few of the many boxes. Moved just in time, Takeo fell on concrete in backyard, needed stitches" in black ink.
Memorial photos board (ddr-densho-477-720)
img Memorial photos board (ddr-densho-477-720)
Photograph of Michael Gave (left), Susan Isoshima (center), and Kellie Isoshima (right), looking at the photo posters at Takeo Isoshima's funeral. The captions around the photo reads "Takeo passed away Nov. 15, 1995 at home. Family & Friends dropping in to give condolences. Michael, Susie, Kellie" in black ink.
With birthday boy at party (ddr-densho-477-647)
img With birthday boy at party (ddr-densho-477-647)
Photograph of 6 people posing for a photograph at Takeo's 75th birthday party. From left to right: Midori (Nakahara) Chikamura, Tsuyoshi Nakahara, Takeo Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Mary (Kouchi) Nakahara, and Lori Nakahara. The caption below the photo reads "Midori, Tsuyoshi, Takeo & Mitsuko, Mary, Lori" in black ink.
Glenn Isoshima's family (ddr-densho-477-659)
img Glenn Isoshima's family (ddr-densho-477-659)
Photograph of the Isoshima family at a celebration of Takeo and Mitsuko's 50th anniversary. From left to right: Scott Jue, Steven Kanzaki, Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, and Kellie Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Glenn's family Scott, Steven, Linnell, Glenn, Kellie" in black ink.
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima opening a giant fortune cookie (ddr-densho-477-587)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima opening a giant fortune cookie (ddr-densho-477-587)
Photograph of Mark Isoshima presenting a large fortune cookie to his parents Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) and Takeo Isoshima (middle), as his sister, Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura (right), who made the cookie looks on. The caption below the photo reads "Open your fortune cookie" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima and George Watanabe (ddr-densho-477-175)
img Takeo Isoshima and George Watanabe (ddr-densho-477-175)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) and George Watanabe (right). The caption below the photograph reads "Tak & George Watanabe" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima receiving an award (ddr-densho-477-391)
img Takeo Isoshima receiving an award (ddr-densho-477-391)
From left to right: Joseph E. Keyser, Takeo Isoshima, Charles N. Crawford, and unidentified. The caption written on the photo reads "1967" in blue ink.
Takeo Isoshima and Kiyoshi Shimono (ddr-densho-477-381)
img Takeo Isoshima and Kiyoshi Shimono (ddr-densho-477-381)
Photograph of soon to be in-laws Takeo Isoshima (left) and Kiyoshi Shimono (right) sitting together on a couch. The caption below the photo reads "The dad's talking about Japan" in black ink.
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima posing with tickets (ddr-densho-477-591)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima posing with tickets (ddr-densho-477-591)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) holding up a certificate for a pair of tickets to Takeo Isoshima (right). The caption below the photo reads "Tickets for two" in black ink.
Yoshiaki Morita visiting from Japan (ddr-densho-477-521)
img Yoshiaki Morita visiting from Japan (ddr-densho-477-521)
Photograph of Yoshiaki Morita (right) with Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) and Takeo Isoshima (center) at dinner. The caption below the photo reads "Nephew Yoshiaki Morita Visit from Japan" in black ink.
50th wedding anniversary party (ddr-densho-477-652)
img 50th wedding anniversary party (ddr-densho-477-652)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (right) at their 50th anniversary party. The caption next to the photo reads "50th wedding anniversary party at Mikado Japanese Restaurant given by Isoshima kids Feb. 2, 1992" in black ink.
Byodo-In Temple (ddr-densho-477-618)
img Byodo-In Temple (ddr-densho-477-618)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (right) taking a photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) standing with daughter-in-law Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima (right) in front of the Byodo-In Temple. The caption below the photo reads "Byoodoo [sic] Temple" in black ink.
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima with Hawaiian shirts (ddr-densho-477-589)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima with Hawaiian shirts (ddr-densho-477-589)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) holding up her new Hawaiian shirt and Takeo Isoshima (middle) unfolding his. Sitting to the side is Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura (right). The caption below the photo reads "Guess where you are going?" in black ink.
Isoshima family celebrating Thanksgiving (ddr-densho-477-570)
img Isoshima family celebrating Thanksgiving (ddr-densho-477-570)
Photograph of three generations of the Isoshima Family on Thanksgiving. Back row, left to right: Frank Nishimura, Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura, Donald Shimono, and Mark Isoshima. Third row left to right: Glenn Isoshima, Susan Isoshima, and Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono. Second row: Michael Gave, Vivian Gave, Takeo Isoshima (sitting), and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (sitting). Front row: Scott Nishimura …
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima with Omoto parents (ddr-densho-477-420)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima with Omoto parents (ddr-densho-477-420)
Photograph of Takeo and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) with soon-to-be in-laws the Omotos. The caption below the photo reads "Takeo & Mitsuko held family party to introduce Omoto's" in black ink.
Isoshima and Nakahara family Christmas (ddr-densho-477-270)
img Isoshima and Nakahara family Christmas (ddr-densho-477-270)
Color photograph of the Isoshima and Nakahara families opening Christmas presents at Yoshiko (Nakato) Nakahara's home. Back row left to right: Takeo Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Saburo Nakahara, Jim Tobe, Tsuyoshi Nakahara holding a baby, Yoshiko (Nakato) Nakahara, and Mary (Kouchi) Nakahara. Front row left to right: Susan Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, Naomi Isoshima and Elaine Isoshima. …
The Tobe Family and Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-22)
img The Tobe Family and Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-22)
Photograph of the Tobe family and Takeo Isoshima. Identified left to right back row: Yukiko (Isoshima) Tobe, Kisoe Tobe, and Takeo Isoshima (standing). Front row left to right: Minoru Jim Tobe and George Tobe. The caption below the photo is "The Tobe Family & Takeo (18 yr) / Kisoe / Sister Yukiko George / Minoru Jim …
Nishimura family at celebration (ddr-densho-477-602)
img Nishimura family at celebration (ddr-densho-477-602)
Photograph of the Nishimura family at the celebration of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima's 45th anniversary. From left to right: Scott Nishimura, David Nishimura, Frank Nishimura (standing), and Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura.