301 items
301 items

Takeo Isoshima and Yukiko (Isoshima) Tobe (ddr-densho-477-522)
The caption below the phot reads "Tak & sister Yukiko" in black ink.

Mitzi Isoshima, Takeo Isoshima, and family (ddr-densho-477-691)
Photograph of three generations of the Isoshima Family together to celebrate Mitsuko's 75th birthday. Back row left to right: Donald Shimono, Glenn Isoshima, Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura, and Michael Gave. Front row left to right: Kellie Isoshima, Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono, Susan Isoshima, Takeo Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Vivian Gave, and Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima. The caption below the …

Chiyono (Makio) Isoshima with Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-238)
The caption below the photo reads "His mother Chiyono & Takeo" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima with many cupcakes (ddr-densho-477-636)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima with large amount of cupcakes to celebrate his 75th birthday.

Letter to Takeo Isoshima from Frederic L. Hayden (ddr-densho-477-182)
Thank you letter with photograph to Takeo Isoshima from Brigadier General Frederic L. Hayden.

Family meal in Tokyo (ddr-densho-477-502)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (center) having a meal with Fuki (Isoshima) Kawada. The caption below the photo reads "Japan-Tokyo Sister Fuki" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima at Helgeson Trailer company (ddr-densho-477-199)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima in welding gear. The caption below the photo reads "Working at Helgeson Trailer Co. Mitzi Worked at Settle Glove. Co." in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima standing in front of a summer house (ddr-densho-477-341)
The caption below the photo reads "Eventually a summer house completed built by Tak & Mitzi" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima Matsutake Mushroom Hunting (ddr-densho-477-496)
The caption below the photo reads "Mushroom Hunting" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima with a deer carcass (ddr-densho-477-239)
The caption below the photo reads "Takeo with his first deer" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima posing with car on Mt. Rainier (ddr-densho-477-273)
The caption below the photo reads "Mt. Rainier in the Summer" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima in uniform (ddr-densho-477-134)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima in military uniform, posting with a gun. Written in the lower right corner is: "5/28/42" in blue ink.

Takeo Isoshima at V.A. Hospital (ddr-densho-477-393)
The caption below the photo reads "V.A. Hospital" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima in uniform (ddr-densho-477-141)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima in uniform staring at the camera, hands on hips. Text at bottom of album page reads "Fort Benjamin Harrison Indiana" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima holding a salmon (ddr-densho-477-493)
The caption below the photo reads "Salmon fishing at Westport" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima with camera (ddr-densho-477-449)
The caption below the photo reads "Photograph" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima in car (ddr-densho-477-25)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima in a car wearing a hat. The caption at the top of the page is "TAKEO'S EMPLOYMENT: *Salesman at Furuya Co. in Seattle, WA. *Bar Tender at Frank Turvan Club in Los Angeles, CA. *Army- private cook for Gen. F.L. Hayden & Gen. J.L. Collins (3/42 - 4/46) *Welder at Geo. Helgeson …

Takeo Isoshima doing construction work (ddr-densho-477-447)
The caption below the photo reads "Takeo changing the back entrance" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima with 75th Birthday cupcake display (ddr-densho-477-639)
The caption below the photo reads "So many Candles!"

Takeo Isoshima inside camper (ddr-densho-477-513)
The caption below the photo reads "Inside Tak & Mitzi's camper" in black ink.

Takeo Receiving an award at V.A. Hospital (ddr-densho-477-392)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima among other award winners, he stands in the front row, 2nd from the right. The caption below the photo reads "Takeo Receiving a reward at V.A. Hospital" in black ink.