301 items
301 items

Buddhist name of Takeo Isoshima explanation (ddr-densho-477-732)
The meaning and pronunciation of the Buddhist name of Takeo Isoshima

Naomi and Frank Nishimura wedding portrait with their parents (ddr-densho-477-377)
Photograph of bride and groom with their parents. From left to right: Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Takeo Isoshima, Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura, Frank Nishimura, Toshiko Nishimura, and Hank Nishimura. The caption below the photo reads "Mitsuko & Takeo, Naomi & Frank, Toshiko & Hank Nishimura" in black ink.

Friends and relatives at 45th Anniversary party (ddr-densho-477-583)
Photograph of two couples celebrating Takeo and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima's anniversary. Left to right: Takeshi Chikamura, Midori (Isoshima) Chikamura, Tsuyoshi Isoshima, and Mary (Kouchi) Isoshima.

Takeo Isoshima and baby Elaine Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-162)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima holding baby Elaine Chiye Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "proud dad" in black ink.

Dole Factory Tour (ddr-densho-477-624)
Photograph of Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima (left), Takeo Isoshima (middle), and Glenn Isoshima (right) heading into the Dole Factory to take a public tour of the factory.

War Ration Booklet (ddr-densho-477-124)
A partially used booklet of war ration tickets assigned to Takeo Isoshima.

Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-151)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (right) sitting on a couch. The caption below the photo reads "Takeo and Mitsuko / Mitsuko began working for Col. & Mrs. A. J. Maxwell" in black ink.

Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima in a mirror (ddr-densho-477-150)
Photograph of a couple looking into a mirror. Identified as Takeo Isoshima and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Mitsuko finally able to join Takeo in Indiana November 1942" in black ink.

Wedding portrait with Isoshima family (ddr-densho-477-424)
Photograph of Glenn Isoshima and Karlyne Omoto's wedding with Glenn's family. Left to right: Frank Nishimura, Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura, Don Shimono, Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono, Karlyne (Omoto) Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Takeo Isoshima (behind), Mark Isoshima (front), Susan Isoshima, and Michael Gave holding Vivian Gave.

Susan Isoshima and Michael Gave at celebration (ddr-densho-477-603)
Photograph of Michael Gave (left) and Susan Isoshima (right) at the celebration of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima's 45th anniversary.

Takeo Isoshima and Mitzi Isoshima marriage certificate (ddr-densho-477-114)
Document certifying the marriage of Takeo Isoshima to Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima. The marriage was documented in Seattle Washington, February 2nd, 1942.

Glenn and Linnell Isoshima family at celebration (ddr-densho-477-605)
Photograph of the Isoshima family at the celebration of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima's 45th anniversary. From left to right: Steven Kanzaki, Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima (standing), and Scott Jue.

Anniversary Portrait (ddr-densho-477-154)
Colorized portrait of Takeo Isoshima (left) and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (right). Takeo is in an Army uniform. The caption on the photo reads "First Wedding Anniversary / Feb 2, 1943 / Fort Benjamin Harrison Indiana" in blue ink.

Mitzi with her children (ddr-densho-477-731)
Photograph of the Isoshima family at Takeo Isoshima's funeral. From left to right: Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura, Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, and Susan Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Mitsuko with her children" in black ink.

Isoshima Family picnic at Edmonds Beach (ddr-densho-477-309)
Photograph of the Isoshima family sitting towels on a sandy beach. Front to back: Susan Isoshima, Elaine Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, Naomi Isoshima, and Takeo Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Family picnic at Edmonds Beach 1957" in black ink.

Isoshima and Nakahara Family Photo Album (ddr-densho-477-3)
Genealogical photo album detailing the family history of the Isoshima and Nakahara families. Primary focus is on the lives of Takeo Isoshima and his wife Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima.

Takeo Isoshima with lion statue (ddr-densho-477-138)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima in military uniform standing next to a lion statue.

Takeo Isoshima birth certificate (ddr-densho-477-47)
A birth certificate for Takeo Isoshima, born in St. Maries, Jan 30 1915.

Isoshima family photo (ddr-densho-477-353)
Photograph of the Isoshima family. Back row left to right: Takeo Isoshima, Naomi Isoshima, Elaine Isoshima, and Glenn Isoshima. Middle row left to right: Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, and Susan Isoshima. In the front is Mark Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Mitsuko's Family" in black ink.

Isoshima family Matsutake Hunting (ddr-densho-477-389)
From left to right: Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono, Don Shimono, unidentified, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura, Frank Nishimura, and Takeo Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "More Matsutake Hunting" in black ink.

Takeo Isoshima and Mitzi (Nakahara) Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-5)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (right). Written on the back of the photo is "1975" in black ink.

Elaine Shimono and Donald Shimono at celebration (ddr-densho-477-601)
Photograph of Donald Shimono (left) and Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono (right) at the celebration of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima's 45th anniversary.

The Isoshima Family (ddr-densho-477-203)
Photograph of the Isoshima family. From left to right, back row: Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima. Front row, left to right: Glenn Isoshima (in mother lap), Naomi Isoshima, and Elaine Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "The Isoshima Family" in black ink.

Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima arriving at their party (ddr-densho-477-577)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (center) and Takeo Isoshima (right) arriving at their 45th anniversary party and being welcomed by Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono. With Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura and Frank Nishimura standing in the back.

Isoshima family photo (ddr-densho-477-367)
Photograph of the Isoshima family. Back row left to right: Naomi Isoshima and Glenn Isoshima. Middle row left to right: Elaine Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Takeo Isoshima, and Susan Isoshima. Standing in the front is Mark Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "January 1967" in black ink.