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301 items
Mitzi and Takeo Isoshima at celebration (ddr-densho-477-606)
img Mitzi and Takeo Isoshima at celebration (ddr-densho-477-606)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) and Takeo Isoshima (right) celebrating their 45th anniversary.
Yoshiaki Morita with Aunt and Uncle Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-562)
img Yoshiaki Morita with Aunt and Uncle Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-562)
From left to right: Yoshiaki Morita, Takeo Isoshima, and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Nephew Yoshiaki Morita, Takeo, Mitsuko" in black ink.
Elaine and Don Shimono wedding portrait with their parents (ddr-densho-477-383)
img Elaine and Don Shimono wedding portrait with their parents (ddr-densho-477-383)
From left to right: Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, Takeo Isoshima, Elaine Isoshima, Don Shimono, Fujie Shimono, and Kiyoshi Shimono. The caption below the photo reads "Mitsuko & Takeo, Elaine & Don, Fujie & Kiyoshi Shimono" in black ink.
Mitzi Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-694)
img Mitzi Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-694)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) and Takeo Isoshima (left) at Mitsuko's 75th birthday party.
Couple with mother-in-law (ddr-densho-477-559)
img Couple with mother-in-law (ddr-densho-477-559)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (middle) and Takeo Isoshima (right), with Yoshiko (Nakato) Nakahara (left). The caption below the photo reads "Yoshiko, Mitsuko, Takeo" in black ink.
Wedding portrait with parents (ddr-densho-477-625)
img Wedding portrait with parents (ddr-densho-477-625)
Photograph of the bride and groom with their parents. From left to right: Lincoln Kanzaki, and Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, and Takeo Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Lincoln Kanzaki, Linnell & Glenn, Mitsuko & Takeo" in black ink
Isoshima family with Waikiki model (ddr-densho-477-614)
img Isoshima family with Waikiki model (ddr-densho-477-614)
Photograph of the Isoshima family posing with a model in Waikiki. From left to right: Glenn Isoshima, Linnell (Kanzaki) Isoshima, model, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, and Takeo Isoshima.
Mark Isoshima at celebration (ddr-densho-477-604)
img Mark Isoshima at celebration (ddr-densho-477-604)
Photograph of Mark Isoshima at the celebration of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima's 45th anniversary.
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima with their children (ddr-densho-477-653)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima with their children (ddr-densho-477-653)
Photograph of the Isoshima family at a celebration of Takeo and Mitsuko's 50th anniversary. Back row, left to right: Glenn Isoshima and Mark Isoshima. Middle row, left to right: Elaine (Isoshima) Shimono, Susan Isoshima, and Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura. Front row, left to right: Takeo Isoshima and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Tak …
Glenn Isoshima and Karlyne Omoto's wedding picture with parents (ddr-densho-477-426)
img Glenn Isoshima and Karlyne Omoto's wedding picture with parents (ddr-densho-477-426)
Photograph of the parents of the bride and groom. From left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Omoto, Karlyne (Omoto) Isoshima, Glenn Isoshima, Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima, and Takeo Isoshima. The caption below the photo reads "Mr & Mrs. Omoto, Karlyne & Glenn, Mitsuko & Takeo" in black ink.
Mitzi Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima at Christmas (ddr-densho-477-706)
img Mitzi Isoshima and Takeo Isoshima at Christmas (ddr-densho-477-706)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (right) posed in front of a Christmas tree.
Isoshima family hike on Mt. Rainier (ddr-densho-477-374)
img Isoshima family hike on Mt. Rainier (ddr-densho-477-374)
Photograph of the Isoshima family hiking. In the front are Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) and Susan Isoshima. Behind, from left to right: unidentified, Glenn Isoshima, Frank Nishimura, Naomi Isoshima, and Takeo Isoshima.
Takeo Isoshima gardening (ddr-densho-477-452)
img Takeo Isoshima gardening (ddr-densho-477-452)
The caption below the photo reads "Gardening" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima fishing (ddr-densho-477-361)
img Takeo Isoshima fishing (ddr-densho-477-361)
The caption below the photo reads "Perch fishing" in black ink.
Opening gifts (ddr-densho-477-650)
img Opening gifts (ddr-densho-477-650)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (center) opening birthday presents. Next to him on the couch are two of his daughters, Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura (left) and Susan Isoshima (right). The caption below the photo reads "Naomi, Takeo, Susie" in black ink.
Takeo Isoshima and Mitzi Nakahara wedding photo (ddr-densho-477-115)
img Takeo Isoshima and Mitzi Nakahara wedding photo (ddr-densho-477-115)
Wedding portrait of Takeo Isoshima and Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima. The caption above the photo reads "The Marriage of Takeo Isoshima and Mitsuko Nakahara February 2, 1942" in blue printed text. The caption below the photo reads "Honeymooned in Portland, Oregon for three days. Stayed at Belmont Hotel" in black ink. Inscribed on the left side is …
War Ration Booklet (ddr-densho-477-123)
doc War Ration Booklet (ddr-densho-477-123)
Empty booklet of war ration tickets assigned to Takeo Isoshima.
Suggestion Award to Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-397)
doc Suggestion Award to Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-397)
An award given to Takeo Isoshima by the Veterans Administration.
Suggestion Award to Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-396)
doc Suggestion Award to Takeo Isoshima (ddr-densho-477-396)
An award given to Takeo Isoshima by the Veterans Administration.
Isoshima men (ddr-densho-477-537)
img Isoshima men (ddr-densho-477-537)
Photograph of Takeo Isoshima (left) with his sons Glenn Isoshima (middle), and Mark Isoshima (right). The caption below the photo reads "The Isoshima Men" in black ink.
Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima opening gifts (ddr-densho-477-588)
img Takeo and Mitzi Isoshima opening gifts (ddr-densho-477-588)
Photograph of Mitsuko (Nakahara) Isoshima (left) opening a card with Takeo Isoshima (2nd from left) as Naomi (Isoshima) Nishimura (3rd from left) and Mark Isoshima (right) look on.