4 items
4 items
Men playing pool (ddr-ajah-2-792)
Caption: Sho Ishii and other Nisei Soldiers from the Military Intelligence Service at Camp Savage, Minnesota, find time to enjoy a game of pool at the St. Paul U.S.O. club. The club was located at 72 W. 7th Street, photo October 1942-June1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-555 with additional notes
Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-741)
Caption below photo: Ben Moriwaki / Chikateru Inouye / Tak Hirabayashi / Walter Tanaka / Yukio Kawamoto / Ken Kato / Kayano, George / Terry Takahashi / Chisaka / Harold Fudenna / Don Hikido / Sho Ishii / Roy Ashizawa / Topaz, Utah, December, 1942
Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-800)
Caption: Niseis from the Military Intelligence School at Camp Savage, Minnesota visit friends and family incarcerated at Topaz, Utah - December 4. 1942. Includes names.