6 items
6 items
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-274)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Group at picnic (ddr-ajah-3-308)
Caption below photo: BTOA picnic, circa 1950s. This object of this game was to pickup the soda bottle with a stick with a ring at the end of the rope
Three women and one man at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-265)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA., circa 1950s Oban
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-276)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-268)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s
Group at Obon Festival (ddr-ajah-3-283)
Caption below photo: Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA obon festival circa early 1950s