12 items
12 items

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 77, No. 15, (October 12, 1973) (ddr-pc-45-40)
Select article titles: "Trace History of...Repeal of Lily-White Clause" (p.1); "Sen. Inouye to Address Kickoff Fete for JACL Bldg. Fund Drive" (p.1); "Legal Assistance Offered by MALDEF in Employment Discrimination Actions" (p.2); "Separate PSWDC Chapter Insurance Board Formed" (p.3); "Estimate 700,000 Nikkei in Brazil, Percentage in Agriculture Dwindles" (p.4).

Pacific Cable Vol. I No. 10 (ddr-densho-498-51)
Volume 1, number 10 of the Pacific Cable. Stories from an American internee, unconstitutional curfew, and discrimination laws.

Internal documents on housing assignment (ddr-densho-356-927)
Internal documents related to providing housing assignments and hiring workers to assist.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 9 (August 28, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-35)
Selected article titles: "50th star flutters: Hawaii now full-fledged state" (p. 1), "Immigration director who facilitated Issei naturalization named to intelligence" (p. 1), "Mid-Manhattan's power blackout taken in stride; mother tells ghost stories to children at bedtime, enjoyed by candlelight" (p. 3), "Zen identified with 'state where nothing of importance is left' says world's leading authority, …

50th Anniversary of the Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-474-52)
This book traces the first fifty years of the history of the JCC in Seattle. The first four pages covering the introduction from Rev. Archie H. Hook and the brief overview of the church's history are in English, as are the photo captions throughout the book.The bulk of the text is in Japanese. The JCC members' …

University of California, Berkeley honorary degree materials (ddr-densho-433-979)
A collection of materials related to a 2009 event hosted by the University of California, Berkeley to honor students who were removed from the college due to Executive Order 9066.

Book of 70th Anniversary of Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-446-455)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary coincided with the 100th Anniversary of the Japanese Christian Mission in North America. This book traces the history of JCC within the larger setting of national and local events, and some of the photos and narratives may be of interest. Ai Chih Tsai was pastor at JCC from 1948 to …

70th Anniversary of the Japanese Congregational Church (ddr-densho-474-53)
The Japanese Congregational Church's 70th Anniversary book traces the history of JCC within the context of national and local events.