12 items
12 items
Haruo Imura standing in yard (ddr-ajah-5-26)
Caption below photo: 1933 Mudhens football team manager, Haruo Imura Alameda, CA
At Point Lobos (ddr-densho-378-139)
Photograph of a man identified as Haruo Imura standing on a rock in front of a rocky hill or cliff near water. Caption on album page: "Spring of 1928" "At Point Labos-" and "Haruo Imura-"
Document with photo, reprint of article and biographical information about Haruo Imura (ddr-ajah-6-274)
Man in tuxedo standing in garden. Mudhens Football team photo circa early to mid 1930s. Caption below photo: Decked out in a tuxedo is Haruo Imura of alameda, CA. He served as the manager for the Alameda Mudhens Football team photo circa early to mid 1930s. Inscription on photo front: To Masa Sincerely Haruo
Group standing at podium for transfer of deed for church property (ddr-ajah-4-12)
Caption below photo: October 14, 1950 was a historic day. Dr. W.P. Rankin, representing the Methodist Episcopal Women's Society, handed over the church's Title and Deed to Haruo Imura. After 52 years, they were now the owners of all the land and property occupied by the church. along with this came a new name: the Buena …
Certificate of Promotion from Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South for Fumiko Itahara (ddr-ajah-6-519)
Caption below image: Certificate of Promotion for Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara of Alameda, CA. She was promoted from the Senior department to the Bible department by Haruo Imura on September 14, 1930. Torao Miki was the superintendent of the Sunday School at the Japanese Methodist Episcopal Church, South in Alameda.
Group photo of men and women at gathering (ddr-ajah-6-149)
Caption below photo: A gathering for Niseis from the Buddhist Temple (BTOA) and Japanese Methodists (BV) in Alameda, CA, circa late 1940s or early 1950s
Mudhens football team photo (ddr-ajah-5-6)
Caption below photo: 1932 Mudhens football team - Nichi Bei League champs Alameda, CA. Individuals identified
Large group at banquet (ddr-ajah-3-341)
Caption above photo: Dinner to commemorate the Gomonshu's February 7, 1952 visit to the Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA. Individuals identified on photo front
Duplicate of ddr-ajah-3-241 with individuals identified (ddr-ajah-3-242)
Caption on photo front: Dinner to commemorate the Gomonshu's February 7, 1952 visit to the Buddhist Temple of Alameda, CA
The Alameda Japanese Grammar School 1908-1916 / September 1983 M. Miyauchi (ddr-ajah-4-19)
Memoir of student who attended the Alameda Japanese Grammar School. Includes names of students and teachers
Heart Mountain Sentinel Vol. I No. 1 (October 24, 1942) (ddr-densho-97-99)
Selected article titles: "Residents to Name Charter Delegates" (p. 1), "Heart Mountain Inspires Name for New Project Newspaper" (p. 1), "Griffin Warns Reckless Drivers" (p. 1), "First Copies Sent Roosevelt, Myer" (p. 1), "Two Cases Tried by Heart Mountain Court" (p. 2), "Residents Warned of Bogus Wardens" (p. 2), "USO Plans for Center Under Way" (p. …