216 items
216 items

Soldiers standing in field (ddr-densho-368-267)
From left to right: Jino Takeshita, William Iino, Yuk Hibino

Group of three soldiers with woman (ddr-densho-368-11)
Notation on folder: William T. Iino standing on left in Europe

Soldier standing on street (ddr-densho-368-198)
Written on front: To my friend William T. Iino/Very [illeg.]

Letter of award of Combat Infantryman's Badge (ddr-densho-368-457)
Award given to William Iino and others of the 442nd RCT

Americans of Japanese Ancestry WII Memorial Alliance letter (ddr-densho-368-23)
Fundraising letter and information about AJA WWII memorial addressed to William Iino

Leave of Absence Card (ddr-densho-368-1)
For leave of absence from Camp Shelby, Mississippi for William T. Iino

Bill Iino Portrait (ddr-densho-368-623)
Written on the back on the photograph is "William T. Iino Return to Selby".

The Story of the Iino's in America (ddr-densho-368-16)
Caption on folder: "William T. Iino's account of the Iino Famly in the U.S."

Envelope from notecard to William Iino from Jacques Baume (ddr-densho-368-254)
Written on front: Mr. William Iino/37 Indian Hill Road/Winnetka/(Illinois)/Etats Unis d'Amerique/Par avion

Affidavit Issued by War Department and Signed by William Iino (ddr-densho-368-804)
Affidavit signed by William Iino confirming that a package does not contain US property or other items unauthorized for mailing.

Diary of William Iino (ddr-densho-368-20)
Caption on attached note: "William T. Iino Beginnings of a diary documenting when he left the U.S. to go to Europe with the 442nd 5/2/1944"

Group of soldiers near tent (ddr-densho-368-265)
Caption: Waiting in staging area (Marseilles, France) for transportation to Italy. From left to right: Homer Takahashi, William Iino, Unknown, Tom Hatsukano

Bill and Tomi Iino sitting at restaurant (ddr-densho-368-304)
Sightseeing on Maui after 50th anniversary reunion of 442nd RCT

Bill and Tomi Iino sitting in front of waterfall (ddr-densho-368-291)
Waterfall located on the way to Hana Bay. Sightseeing on Maui after 50th anniversary reunion of 442nd RCT

Bill and Tomi Iino on outdoor patio (ddr-densho-368-404)
From the 50th anniversary reunion of 442nd RCT

Bill and Tomi Iino with woman at reunion (ddr-densho-368-434)
From the 50th anniversary reunion of 442nd RCT