27 items
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Issei couple (ddr-densho-310-3)
Issei couple Rev. Tatsuya Ichikawa and Mrs. Yasashi Ichikawa. Rev. Ichikawa was riban at Seattle Buddhist Church for many years.

Letter from Tatsuya Ichikawa to Chuzaburo Ito (ddr-densho-381-162)
A letter in Japanese from Tatsuya Ichikawa to Chuzaburo Ito.

Letter from Tatsuya Ichikawa to Chuzaburo Ito (ddr-densho-381-161)
A letter in Japanese from Tatsuya Ichikawa to Chuzaburo Ito.

Letter from Tatsuya Ichikawa to Chuzaburo Ito (ddr-densho-381-163)
A letter in Japanese from Tatsuya Ichikawa to Chuzaburo Ito.

Telegram from Yahachi Susuki to Tatsuya Ichikawa (ddr-densho-258-207)
A money order of $100 sent by Yahachi Susuki to Tatsuya Ichikawa to fund Ichikawa travel to Seattle.

Buddhist ministers at Sante Fe internment camp (ddr-densho-310-1)
A group photograph of the Buddhist ministers interned at Sante Fe internment camp. Etsuko Osaki's father, Tatsuya Ichikawa, is in the second row, third from the left. Ichikawa was picked up by the FBI in April 1942. He remained separated from his family for two years before they reunited in Crystal City internment camp.

Application for Alien Enemy Travel Permit (ddr-sbbt-2-1)
An application for an alien enemy travel permit for Tatsuya Ichikawa. Ichikawa requests to travel to areas around Seattle to hold services in Japanese communities.

Telegram from Loyd Jensen to Project Director (ddr-densho-258-206)
Loyd Jensen sends a telegram to the Project Director at Minidoka Concentration Camp inquiring into the health of the Ichikawa family after Tatsuya Ichikawa requested temporary parole.

Letter from Tatsuya Ichikawa to Loyd H. Jenson (ddr-densho-258-204)
Tatsuya Ichikawa writes to Loyd H. Jensen the Officer in Charge of the Sante Fe Department of Justice Internment Camp. Ichikawa requests to be given temporary parole so he could travel to Minidoka concentration camp to help his family. His two youngest children were hospitalized. A post-it note written by Satoru Ichikawa attached to the letter …

Telegram from Shigeo Fukuhara to Tatuya Ichikawa (ddr-densho-258-205)
A telegram sent to Tatsuya Ichikawa at Santa Fe Department of Justice Internment Camp from Shigeo Fukuhara at Minidoka Concentration Camp informing Tatsuya that his two youngest children have been hospitalized. Fukuhara informs Ichikawa that telegrams from the Minidoka Health Nurse and Social Service Counselor have been sent to help Ichikawa get temporary parole so he …

In My Parents' Words (ddr-densho-258-208)
A booklet to accompany a panel entitled In My Parents' Words: Voices from the Department of Justice Camps at the 2013 Japanese American National Museum National Conference held at the Sheraton Hotel in Seattle, Washington. Satoru Ichikawa focuses on the separation of his father, a Buddhist priest, from his family for two years during the family's …

Contact list (ddr-densho-381-164)
A contact list, most likely belonging to Chuzaburo Ito, with names and addresses including some concentration camps.

Issei minister and family (ddr-densho-310-4)
Ichikawa family portrait. (Front row, left to right) Akira, Tatsuya, Shinya, Yasashi, Hiroko (Back row, left to right) Noriko, Satoru, Etsuko, Kazuya

Letter from T. Ichikawa to Pierce A. Horrocks (ddr-sbbt-4-23)
A letter from Tatsuya Ichikawa, President of the Buddhist Mission Society (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple), to Pierce A. Horrocks, Architect, informing him that the Board of Directors has approved tentative plans for the new church edifice and social hall.

Letter from Rev. T. Ichikawa to Allen Arai (ddr-densho-430-108)
Letter to Kichio Allen Arai from Reverend Tatsuya Ichikawa of Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple (formerly the Seattle Buddhist Church), inviting Arai to the ground breaking ceremony for the temple's construction.

Letter from T. Ichikawa to Pierce A. Horrocks (ddr-sbbt-4-27)
A letter from Tatsuya Ichikawa, President of the Buddhist Mission Society (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple), to Pierce A. Horrocks, Architect, advising him that the Board of Directors has formally approved plans and specifications for the church edifice and social hall.

Buddhist Convention (ddr-one-1-332)
Black and white photographic negative of large crowd of Buddhists gathered outside Collin's Field House in Seattle, Washington for a Buddhist convention. Seated in front row from left to right: Yasashi Ichikawa, Reverend Seiji Kobara from Seattle, Reverend Shoko Masunaga, Reverend Akira Jotetsu Ono, Reverend Tatsuya Ichikawa, Reverend Bishop Kenryu Tsuji, Reverend Eiyu Terao from Spokane, …

Land Survey (ddr-densho-430-131)
Land survey of the five lots of land the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple purchased for the construction of the new temple. Includes additional handwritten notes.

World War II Collection (ddr-sbbt-2)
The World War II Collection consists of lists of goods stored by the Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple for members during mass removal, correspondences from Yoshito Fujii and his family, community organization documents from the Minidoka concentration camp, a travel permit application for Reverend Tatsuya Ichikawa, and a photograph from a camp funeral conducted by Reverend Terao.

Northwest Buddhist Convention Banquet (ddr-one-1-413)
Black and white photographic negative of the head table at the Northwest Buddhist Convention banquet dinner in the Seattle Buddhist Church's basement. From left to right: Reverend Tatsuya Ichikawa (from Seattle, Washington), Reverend Eiyu Terao (from Spokane, Washington), Reverend Shinjo Ikuta (from Vancouver, British Columbia), Reverend Tesshin Shibata (from White River, Washington), Reverend Akira Jotetsu Ono …

Buddhist Convention (ddr-one-1-333)
Black and white photographic negative of large crowd of Buddhists gathered outside Collin's Field House in Seattle, Washington for a Buddhist convention. Reverends seated in front row from left to right: Reverend Seiji Kobara from Seattle, Reverend Shoko Masunaga, Reverend Akira Jotetsu Ono, Reverend Tatsuya Ichikawa, Reverend Bishop Kenryu Tsuji, Reverend Eiyu Terao from Spokane, Reverend …

Resolution to build on Main Street (ddr-sbbt-4-22)
A resolution by the Board of Directors of the Buddhist Mission Society (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple) to build a church edifice, social hall, and other buildings on its property on Main Street.

Northwest Buddhist Convention Banquet (ddr-one-1-418)
Black and white photographic negative of guests at the Northwest Buddhist Convention banquet dinner in the basement of the Seattle Buddhist Church. Sitting at the head table from left to right: Reverend Sunya Pratt (from Tacoma, Washington), Reverend Tatsuya Ichikawa (from Seattle, Washington), Reverend Eiyu Terao (from Spokane, Washington), Reverend Ikuta from (Vancouver, British Columbia), Reverend …

Report on cornerstone (ddr-sbbt-4-34)
A report from the Cawsey Construction Company with cornerstone estimates for the Buddhist Mission Society (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple).

Buddhist Convention (ddr-one-1-335)
Black and white photographic negative of a large crowd of Buddhists gathered outside Collin's Field House in Seattle, Washington. Reverend Tatsuya Ichikawa sitting in right hand corner. First row far left: Kiku Fujita, fourth from left: Yasuko (Hashimoto) Morita. Second row: fifth from left is Irene (Fujii) Mano, sixth from left: Elaine Miyake. Fourth row directly …
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