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49 items
Hunt Hi-lites, vol. 2, no. 5 (December 10, 1943) (ddr-csujad-55-1933)
doc Hunt Hi-lites, vol. 2, no. 5 (December 10, 1943) (ddr-csujad-55-1933)
Newsletter published by Hunt High School at Minidoka incarceration camp. Covers events, activities, news, sports, and opinion related to Hunt High School students. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1936
Hunt Hi-lites anniversary (December 1943) (ddr-csujad-55-1934)
doc Hunt Hi-lites anniversary (December 1943) (ddr-csujad-55-1934)
Special Christmas edition of the newsletter published by Hunt High School at Minidoka incarceration camp. Covers events, activities, news, and opinion related to Hunt High School students. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1937
Hunt Hi handbook (ddr-csujad-55-1935)
doc Hunt Hi handbook (ddr-csujad-55-1935)
Handbook for Hunt High School at Minidoka incarceration camp. Covers class schedules, graduation requirements, guidance counselors, library, student government, resolutions, smoking, attendance, report cards, fire drills, and blank pages for autographs. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_1938
Hunt High School students (ddr-densho-39-8)
img Hunt High School students (ddr-densho-39-8)
Original museum description: Photograph, black and white glossy of students at Hunt High School in Minidoka internment camp. Eight students- -four boys and four girls--are standing outside the school gymnasium books in hand. One of the female students is Rose (Suzuki) Obata in front right; another is Reiko Miura in front left, Tosh Mano is on …
Hunt High School students (ddr-densho-37-17)
img Hunt High School students (ddr-densho-37-17)
Original WRA caption: Students of the Hunt High School at the Minidoka Relocation Center, receive final grades from Miss Jones.
Queen of Hunt High School (ddr-densho-37-4)
img Queen of Hunt High School (ddr-densho-37-4)
Original WRA caption: Queen of Hunt High School May Day Festival being crowned by Richard A. Pomeroy, Supt. of Education, is shown with her attendants. The court was chosen by popular vote in a contest sponsored by the student body. Left to right: Pri[n]ce Victor Fujioka, Princess Dorothy Sugawara, Mr. Pomeroy, Queen Betty Aoki, Princess Sue …
King of Hunt High School (ddr-densho-37-3)
img King of Hunt High School (ddr-densho-37-3)
Original WRA caption: King of Hunt High School May Day festival being crowned by Richard A. Pomeroy, Supt. of Education, is shown with his attendants. The court was chosen by popular vote in a contest sponsored by the student body. Left to right: Prince Victor Fujioka, princess Dorothy Sugawara, Mr. Pomeroy, King Johnny Okamoto, Princess Sue …
Hunt High School Reunion '85 (ddr-densho-375-4)
doc Hunt High School Reunion '85 (ddr-densho-375-4)
Yearbook-esque memory book of the 1985 Hunt High School Class Reunion Reunion in Seattle, Washington. Book contains portraits of attendees and candid photographs of the reunion.
Hunt High School 1943 Yearbook (ddr-densho-375-7)
doc Hunt High School 1943 Yearbook (ddr-densho-375-7)
Ray Kikoshima's 1943 Hunt High School yearbook. Front and back pages include many personalized notes and additional notes on individual photographs.
Hunt High School Reunion '85 (ddr-densho-375-6)
doc Hunt High School Reunion '85 (ddr-densho-375-6)
Address and non-attendee comment booklet for the 1985 Hunt High School Reunion in Seattle, Washington
Hunt High School Reunion 1983 (ddr-densho-449-1)
doc Hunt High School Reunion 1983 (ddr-densho-449-1)
33 pages of memories from living and learning at Minidoka in 1943 and 1944. The book contains pictures of Minidoka, the classes, reunion program, Hunt High song, poems, directory, and a memoriam for classmates who were not able to make the reunion.
Kikoshima Family Collection (ddr-densho-375)
Collection Kikoshima Family Collection (ddr-densho-375)
Collection containing 1943 Hunt High School yearbook and 'memory books' from Hunt High School Reunions in Seattle from 1983 to 2003.
Field of vegetables planted by students (ddr-fom-1-909)
img Field of vegetables planted by students (ddr-fom-1-909)
WRA caption on reverse: "A garden of table vegetables planted by the high school students of Hunt High School."
Pen (ddr-densho-275-59)
doc Pen (ddr-densho-275-59)
Pen the annual publication of the Hunt High School Journalism Class
Title:  Where do we go from here? (ddr-densho-408-9)
doc Title: Where do we go from here? (ddr-densho-408-9)
Address to 1945 Graduating class of Hunt High School at Minidoka