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1240 items
Terry Aratani  -  Fred Matsumura  -  Kenneth Okuma  -  Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-3-6)
vh Terry Aratani - Fred Matsumura - Kenneth Okuma - Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-3-6)
Memories of friend Shiro Kashino in battle and in the years after

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview. Kari Hiraoka, one of the …

Terry Aratani  -  Fred Matsumura  -  Kenneth Okuma  -  Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-3-4)
vh Terry Aratani - Fred Matsumura - Kenneth Okuma - Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-3-4)
The bond between members of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team's I Company

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview. Kari Hiraoka, one of the …

Terry Aratani  -  Fred Matsumura  -  Kenneth Okuma  -  Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 9 (ddr-densho-1000-3-9)
vh Terry Aratani - Fred Matsumura - Kenneth Okuma - Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 9 (ddr-densho-1000-3-9)
Memories of battle in Europe while serving with the 442nd Regimental Combat Team

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview. Kari Hiraoka, one of …

Sankuro Ogasawara and two other Ministry of Finance officials (ddr-njpa-4-1718)
img Sankuro Ogasawara and two other Ministry of Finance officials (ddr-njpa-4-1718)
Caption on reverse: "JAPAN FINANCE MINISTER HERE: Sankuro Ogasawara (center), Japanese finance minister, was a brief visitor here Saturday night enroute to Washington, D.C., where he will attend general meetings of the International Monetary Fund and of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. He was accompanied by Gengo Suzuki (left), financial commissioner, and Taroichi Yoshida, …
Territorial fire department employees and fire prevention engineer (ddr-njpa-2-1177)
img Territorial fire department employees and fire prevention engineer (ddr-njpa-2-1177)
Caption on reverse: "RE-DRAFTING OF T.H. FIRE CODE UNDERWAY: Plans for the adoption of a revised fire prevention code for the protection of life and property from fire in the territory were announced at a press conference called yesteday by the territorial fire marshal's office. Among those attending yesterday's confab were, left to right: front row--Carl …
Jimmy Stewart receiving a lei from Mrs. George V. Denny, Jr. (ddr-njpa-1-1820)
img Jimmy Stewart receiving a lei from Mrs. George V. Denny, Jr. (ddr-njpa-1-1820)
Caption on reverse: "Jimmie [sic] Stewart gets lei: Movie star Jimmie [sic] Stewart is shown after receiving a carnation lei from Mrs. George V. Denny, Jr., wife of the founder of the Town Hall Meeting of the Air, at the quarterly membership meeting of the Honolulu Chamber of Commerce yesterday noon at the Royal Hawaiian hotel. …
Bert Nakano Interview (ddr-densho-1000-67)
vh Bert Nakano Interview (ddr-densho-1000-67)
Nisei male. Born March 5, 1928, in Honolulu, Hawaii. Incarcerated at the Jerome concentration camp, Arkansas. Resettled in Gardena, California. Member of the Little Tokyo People's Rights Organization (LTPRO) and National Coalition for Redress/Reparations (NCRR).

(This interview was conducted at the Voices of Japanese American Redress Conference, held on the UCLA campus and sponsored by the …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 17 (ddr-densho-1000-32-17)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 17 (ddr-densho-1000-32-17)
Personal reasons for continuing to pursue justice for Shiro Kashino

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on a single topic. Debbie …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-32-4)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-32-4)
Shiro Kashino reads the charges against him for the first time

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on a single topic. …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1000-32-3)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 3 (ddr-densho-1000-32-3)
Early obstacles: recovering destroyed records in the Shiro Kashino court-martial

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on a single topic. Debbie …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-32-10)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-32-10)
Tracking down key witnesses in the Shiro Kashino court-martial case: the MP

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on a single …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1000-32-8)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1000-32-8)
Other turning points in the Shiro Kashino court-martial case

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on a single topic. Debbie McQuilken, …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-32-11)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-32-11)
Persevering to try to overturn the wartime court-martial of Shiro Kashino

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on a single topic. …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-32-6)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-32-6)
Breakthrough: finally admitting guilt in the Shiro Kashino court-martial

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on a single topic. Debbie McQuilken, …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1000-32-14)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 14 (ddr-densho-1000-32-14)
Feeling sympathy for one of the victims in the court-martial incident

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on a single topic. …

Bill Thompson Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-90-6)
vh Bill Thompson Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-90-6)
Finding a very serious breach of military regulations in the case of Shiro Kashino's wartime court-martial

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Given the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were shorter in length than typical Densho interviews and concentrated on a …

Bill Thompson Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-90-7)
vh Bill Thompson Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-90-7)
The first appeal, only a partial victory in trying to overturn Shiro Kashino's wartime court-martial

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Given the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were shorter in length than typical Densho interviews and concentrated on a single …

Narrator Nobuko Miyake-Stoner

Japanese female. Born Feburary 10, 1952, in Hiroshima, Japan. Descendant of survivors of the atomic bombing in 1945. Father was a kamikaze pilot during World War II who was unable to fulfill his mission due to the war's end. Nobuko attended the Hiroshima Jogakuin, a missionary school established for young women. Graduated with an M.A. in …
Wives and children of Japanese Consulate officials (ddr-njpa-4-488)
img Wives and children of Japanese Consulate officials (ddr-njpa-4-488)
Caption on reverse: "FAMILIES OF LOCAL JAPANESE OVERSEAS AGENCY ARRIVE: Families of three members of the local Japanese Government Overseas Agency staff arrived in Honolulu this morning aboard the APL liner President Wilson from Yokohama. They are, left to right: Mrs. Kazuko Hitomi, wife of Hiroshi Hitomi, assistant representative, with her seven-months' old daughter, Kaoru; Mrs. …
Consolidated Amusement Co. president and employee posing with Japanese actors (ddr-njpa-2-969)
img Consolidated Amusement Co. president and employee posing with Japanese actors (ddr-njpa-2-969)
Caption on reverse: "Shown above, left to right, are Toei Actress Yoshiko Mita, President John Traut of the Consolidated Amusement Co., Ltd., Toei Actor Chiyonosuke Azuma and Stanley Miyamoto of the Consolidated Amusement Co., Ltd. Traut and Miyamoto greeted Azuma and Miss Mita yesterday at the Honolulu International Airport. Azuma and Mita, together with Kinya Kitaoji …
Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 15 (ddr-densho-1000-32-15)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 15 (ddr-densho-1000-32-15)
Discussion of various roles each played in effort to overturn Shiro Kashino's erroneous wartime court-martial

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 16 (ddr-densho-1000-32-16)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 16 (ddr-densho-1000-32-16)
Continuing discussion of roles played in effort to overturn Shiro Kashino's erroneous wartime court-martial

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-32-7)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-32-7)
Uncovering the truth: a long overdue admission from the actual offender in the Shiro Kashino court-martial

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and …

Terry Aratani  -  Fred Matsumura  -  Kenneth Okuma  -  Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1000-3-2)
vh Terry Aratani - Fred Matsumura - Kenneth Okuma - Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 2 (ddr-densho-1000-3-2)
The impressive record of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team: "[W]e had something to prove, that we were loyal Americans."

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical …

Terry Aratani  -  Fred Matsumura  -  Kenneth Okuma  -  Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-3-11)
vh Terry Aratani - Fred Matsumura - Kenneth Okuma - Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 11 (ddr-densho-1000-3-11)
The only records of AWOL in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team were soldiers leaving the hospital early to return to battle

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than …