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1240 items
Fred Matsumura Segment 33 (ddr-densho-1000-46-33)
vh Fred Matsumura Segment 33 (ddr-densho-1000-46-33)
Efforts to overturn the conviction(s) and forgetting the past

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Given the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were shorter in length than typical Densho interviews. Beverly Kashino, one of the interviewers, is Shiro and Louise Kashino's …

Fred Matsumura Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1000-46-8)
vh Fred Matsumura Segment 8 (ddr-densho-1000-46-8)
The call for volunteers: joining up with the U.S. Army

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Given the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were shorter in length than typical Densho interviews. Beverly Kashino, one of the interviewers, is Shiro and Louise …

Fred Matsumura Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-46-10)
vh Fred Matsumura Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-46-10)
The long trip to Camp Shelby for basic training

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Given the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were shorter in length than typical Densho interviews. Beverly Kashino, one of the interviewers, is Shiro and Louise Kashino's …

Two Honolulu ikebana association leaders (ddr-njpa-4-2501)
doc Two Honolulu ikebana association leaders (ddr-njpa-4-2501)
Caption on front: "Presented above, left to right, are new President Miss Hisako Kurakake and Immediate Past President Mrs. Pearl Jensen of the Honolulu, Hawaii Chapter of the Ikebana International, which held its annual installation banquet yesterday in the Diamond Head Suite of the Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel. Chapter officers for the 1963-1964 term are president, …
Article about Maki Akagi (ddr-njpa-5-145)
doc Article about Maki Akagi (ddr-njpa-5-145)
Translation of article: Ms. Maki Akagi, teacher for 35 years, oldest teacher in Honolulu, is retiring. Last Sunday, a farewell party was thrown for Maki Akagi, who worked for Kaimuki Japanese school for the past 20 years. She is the wife of Mr. Takezo Akagi, and she came to Hawaii after teaching in the Saha district, …
Dr. Harvey S. Hardman and Mrs. Hardman arriving in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-1-555)
img Dr. Harvey S. Hardman and Mrs. Hardman arriving in Hawai'i (ddr-njpa-1-555)
Caption on reverse: "Mental science lecturer: Above are Dr. Harvey S. Hardman, president of the Mental Science Institute of Denver, Colo., and Mrs. Hardman. Dr. Hardman arrived here Wednesday night aboard the President Wilson after a three-month visit in Japan, and was met here by Mrs. Hardman who reached Honolulu by plane Tuesday evening from the …
John and Aiko Reinecke sitting in a court room (ddr-njpa-2-1082)
img John and Aiko Reinecke sitting in a court room (ddr-njpa-2-1082)
Caption on reverse: "AS DPI HEARING IN REINECKE CASE OPENED TODAY: Dismissal proceedings against Dr. John E. Reinecke and his wife, Aiko, suspended Honolulu public school teachers, began this morning at 10 in the tax appeal court room of the territorial tax office building. Above, left to right, are Dr. Reinecke, Mrs. Reinecke, Earl L. McTaggart …
Nobusuke Kishi's son (ddr-njpa-4-426)
doc Nobusuke Kishi's son (ddr-njpa-4-426)
Caption on front: "PREMIER'S SON: Nobukazu Kishi, 35-year-old son of Japanese Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi, arrived in Honolulu this morning at 7:55 from Tokyo by Japan Air Lines, accompanied by one of the premier's private secretaries, Michio Kawabe. They plan to leave here Sunday night for San Francisco to join the prime minister on his official …
The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 33 No. 8 (September 1, 1951) (ddr-pc-23-35)
doc The Pacific Citizen, Vol. 33 No. 8 (September 1, 1951) (ddr-pc-23-35)
Selected article titles: "Report Hawaii Nisei Leaders Oppose Communist Attempt To Infiltrate Democratic Party. Four Persons of Japanese Ancestry Reported Among Seven Territorial Community Party Officials Arrested by FBI in Honolulu" (p. 1), "Masaoka May Request JACL To Lead National Campaign Against Cemetery Race Bans" (p. 1), "Red Tape Slows Program to Expedite Claims Payments" (p. …
Nisei sniper (ddr-densho-114-46)
img Nisei sniper (ddr-densho-114-46)
Original caption: Castrellina Area, Italy. Pfc. Genkichi Akamine, Honolulu, T. H., a sniper with the 100th Inf. Bn., 34th Div., is a typical American of Japanese descent. A native of Hawaii, he has three years service in the U.S. Army, and has fought through the entire Italian Campaign, just ending 16 days of hill fighting in …
Chief justice congratulating three new circuit court judges (ddr-njpa-2-977)
img Chief justice congratulating three new circuit court judges (ddr-njpa-2-977)
Caption on reverse: "THREE LOCAL CIRCUIT COURT JUDGES ARE SWORN IN: Chief Justice Edward A. Towse of the territorial supreme court (extreme left) is pictured congratulating the three new Honolulu circuit court judges, who were inducted into office at a brief swearing-in ceremony this morning in the supreme court chambers. The new circuit judges, left to …
Sadaichi Kubota Segment 32 (ddr-densho-1000-40-32)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 32 (ddr-densho-1000-40-32)
Clearing the erroneous court-martial conviction of Shiro Kashino

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-40-7)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 7 (ddr-densho-1000-40-7)
Reunification with older brother after World War II

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 22 (ddr-densho-1000-40-22)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 22 (ddr-densho-1000-40-22)
Admiration develops for the 100th Infantry Battalion

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service during …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1000-40-12)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 12 (ddr-densho-1000-40-12)
A tearful sendoff: leaving home for the army

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 24 (ddr-densho-1000-40-24)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 24 (ddr-densho-1000-40-24)
Willingness to do anything to win the battle

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 19 (ddr-densho-1000-40-19)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 19 (ddr-densho-1000-40-19)
Thoughts while en route to fight in Europe

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 34 (ddr-densho-1000-40-34)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 34 (ddr-densho-1000-40-34)
Continuing responsibility to the men in platoon

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service during …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 25 (ddr-densho-1000-40-25)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 25 (ddr-densho-1000-40-25)
Description of fighting: accuracy of the artillery unit

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-40-10)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 10 (ddr-densho-1000-40-10)
Witness to the bombing of Pearl Harbor

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service during …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1000-40-1)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 1 (ddr-densho-1000-40-1)
Memories of visiting a family in Mississippi

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service during …

Sadaichi Kubota Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-40-6)
vh Sadaichi Kubota Segment 6 (ddr-densho-1000-40-6)
Family in two countries: brother living in Japan

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and tend to concentrate on the individual's military service …

Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 19 (ddr-densho-1000-32-19)
vh Louise Kashino - Sadaichi Kubota - Bill Thompson Segment 19 (ddr-densho-1000-32-19)
Restoration of Shiro Kashino's stripes

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Because of the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were generally shorter in length than the typical Densho interview and concentrated on a single topic. Debbie McQuilken, one of the interviewers, …

Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-105-4)
vh Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 4 (ddr-densho-1000-105-4)
Journey to and first impressions of U.S. mainland

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Given the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were shorter in length than typical Densho interviews and concentrated on a single topic, namely, the individual's military service during …

Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-105-5)
vh Henry Bruno Yamada Segment 5 (ddr-densho-1000-105-5)
Making friends on the long trip to Italy

This interview was conducted at the 1998 Americans of Japanese Ancestry Veterans National Convention, held in Honolulu, Hawaii. Given the full conference schedule, interviews conducted at the reunion were shorter in length than typical Densho interviews and concentrated on a single topic, namely, the individual's military service during …