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Four men looking at map (ddr-ajah-2-731)
Caption below photo: Robert Honda / Russell Kono / Yoshiki Miyazaki / Col. Rasmussen / Just returned from Burma Theatre

Robert Hanashiro and Gordon Honda wearing hard hats (ddr-densho-336-745)
The 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.

Robert Hanashiro holding a camera (ddr-densho-336-331)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps.

Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. 40, No. 10, October 2003 (ddr-sjacl-1-514)
Newsletter covering the following topics: Seattle JACL co-sponsors Affirmative Action Community Forum; Bill Tashima reports on JACL Gala Dinner, over 800 people attended, salute to Norm Mineta, Daniel Inouye, Robert Matsui, and Mike Honda, and to laud the late Patsy Mink; Arlene Oki gives update on NHAW (JCCCW).

Letter from Harry Honda, Senior Editor, Pacific Citizen to Sharon Tanihara, August 17, 1990 (ddr-csujad-55-2061)
Correspondence from Harry Honda to Sharon Tanihara regarding a meeting with Robert Bratt of the Office of Redress Administration. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2164

Campers playing basketball (ddr-densho-336-324)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. Left to right: Steve Shiozaki, Robert Hanashiro.

Four men looking at map (ddr-ajah-2-822)
Caption: Military intelligence Service (MIS) veterans are seen after returning from the China-Burma-India (CBI) theatre, with Col. Kai Rasmussen, the man who was the commandant of the MIS at Camp Savage, Minnesota. The boys are on their way to Fort Benning, Georgie. photo Fort Snelling, January 1945. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-731 with additional notes

Skit at the 1969 Lake Sequoia Retreat (ddr-densho-336-143)
The 1969 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. \nCaption on front: "Robert Sakai, 'Rabi' Jerry Tondo / Sitting: Calvin Kano get's his moustache shaved off at skit night."

Campers playing volleyball (ddr-densho-336-321)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. Left to right: Robert Hanashiro, Calvin Ho, Val Izumi.

Campers playing pots (ddr-densho-336-368)
The 1970s Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camps. \nCaption on front: "Robert Hanashiro, Ted Hasegawa, John Shimada."

Group photo of men in uniform outside Topaz camp building. Joe Iwataki standing second from left (ddr-ajah-2-785)
Caption: Joe Iwataki of Alameda, CA., posed with Gis while he is on furlough to Topaz, Utah, July 1943. Photo shot in front of the Ad building. Additional note about names: These names were on the back of the photo but it was difficult to know the exact position of the person named. Supplemental scan of …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 24 (June 16, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-25)
Selected article titles: "All mixed marriage bans lifted" (p. 1), "Cultural groups will be welcome at S.F. trade center" (p. 1), "Israeli-Arab issue unnerves Nisei" (p. 1), "Supreme Court won't review U.C. FSM sentences" (p. 1).

Portrait of group of men outside barracks, with individual autographs on front. (ddr-ajah-2-806)
Inscription on back: Section 10 Class - Camp Savage, Minnesota Dec. '42 - June '43. With names and hometowns identified. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-433 with additional notes

Section 10 class, Camp Savage Minn. (ddr-ajah-2-19)
Names written on front with some names cut off. Note attached to back with names

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 2 (July 13, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-28)
Selected article titles: "President signs claims amendment: Compromise procedure now granted for evacuation claims up to $100,000" (p. 1), "Gov't halts move to deport L.A. Issei couple" (p. 1), "Survey underway in discrimination of Nisei home buyers" (p. 1), "Dream comes true for Denver Nisei with entrance to U.S. Air Force Academy" (p. 1), "Expatriate cases …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 5 (January 30, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-5)
Selected article titles: "Hawaii's mixed population seen as boon for Statehood" (p. 1), "Sweeping civil rights bill with stiff penalties dropped in Sac'to hopper" (p. 1), "Union City council elects Nisei mayor" (p. 1), "French Camp JACL to honor Issei" (p. 1), "Judge Aiso hands opinion in union race bias issue" (p. 1), "International Institutes to …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 64, No. 17 (April 28, 1967) (ddr-pc-39-18)
Selected article titles: "Decision on legality of Evacuation still remains" (p. 1), "Utah civil rights citizens aim for equal housing" (p. 1), "Restaurant sued for $100,000 by Sansei teacher" (p. 1), "'Japan's Decision for War' clearly related" (p. 1), "Where's Civil Rights Movement Heading?" (p. 5), "Elimination of poverty in America next goal of human rights …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 19 (May 11, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-19)
Selected article titles: "Sen. Kuchel meets Bay Area JACLers, community leaders" (p. 1), "Population Study of Midwest Japanese Due" (p. 1), "Three Television Networks in All-Out Effort to Avoid Offending Minorities in Songs, Some Banned, Changed" (p. 1), "Eisenhower Has Bill OK'd by Congress Permitting Use of Mongolian Labor" (p. 1), "Magnuson urges claims bill passage" …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 23 (June 8, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-23)
Selected article titles: "Mayor Taft Cities C.L. for Progress of Nisei in U.S." (p. 1), "Nisei vet bucks housing bias in Las Vegas" (p. 1), "Letter to San Francisco editor bares discrimination against Nisei home-buyer" (p. 1), "Clovis Nisei float wins first prize" (p. 3), "Bookkeeper admits theft from doctors, $10,000 involved" (p. 3), "Reno CL …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 15 (April 13, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-15)
Selected article titles: "Racial discrimination in home-buying" (p. 1), "Gov't urged to promote integration in housing as well as in schools" (p. 1), "Denver Issei tour group allowed to place wreath at Tomb of Unknown Soldier, unaware of Army red tape involved for tribute" (p. 1), "Hawaii statehood gets first mention on Senate floor during tax …
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