7 items
7 items
Samuel Hokari (ddr-densho-287-225)
Photograph of Samuel Hokari sitting on a railing. Written on the album page below the image is "Samuel Hokari" in white ink.
Sammy (ddr-densho-287-185)
Photograph of Sammy Hokari aboard a ship. Written on the album page below the image is "Sammy" in white ink.
Sammy (ddr-densho-287-177)
Photoraph of Sammy Hokari sitting on a log near a body of water. Written on the album page to the left of the picture is "Sammy" in white letters.
Sammy (ddr-densho-287-156)
Photograph of Sammy Hokari sitting on a railing. Written on the right side of the image is "Sammy" in white ink.
Sammy Hokari (ddr-densho-287-218)
Photograph of Sammy Hokari aboard a ship. Written on the album page below the image is: "Sammy Hokari' in white ink.
Sammy and Harry (ddr-densho-287-187)
Photograph of two men sending on logs. Identified left to right: Sammy Hokari and Harry. Written on the album page below the image is "Sammy Harry" in white ink.
Group of six (ddr-densho-287-307)
Photograph of six men. Back row left to right: Nachi, Hippo Kawahara, Mits Kashiwagi. Front row left to right: unidentified, Sammy Hokari, Monks Shimahara. Written on the album page above the image is "Nachi - Hippo - Mits" in white ink. Written on the album page the image is "1935 - Sammy - Monks" in white …