7 items
7 items

JACL Luncheon Invitation (ddr-densho-280-45)
Invitation from Peter Ohtaki to members of the JACL Convention Public Relations Committee to continue planning the upcoming event. Includes a Congressional Record copy.

Letter concerning JACL slogans (ddr-densho-280-48)
Letter from Peter Ohtaki enlisting his public relations committee to pick their top choices for the JACL 17th Biennial National Convention slogan.

JACL Public Relations Committee final slogan suggestions (ddr-densho-280-51)
Letter from Peter Ohtaki encouraging his JACL (Japanese American Citizens League) Public Relations committee members to finalize their choices for the 17th Biennial National Convention slogan.

Letter concerning JACL ad space (ddr-densho-280-47)
Letter from Peter Ohtaki informing Mrs. George S. Matsui that her prior letter had been forwarded to James Matsuoka and that they intend to buy a full-page advertisement in the JACL EDM-MDC convention booklet.

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 11 (March 20, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-11)
Selected article titles: Another 'Noguchi' Case: Arboretum Director's Job" (p. 1), "Hawaii attorney see 'hard grind' for Negroes, same kind as Issei and Nisei" (p. 1), "More Orientals enter youth apprenticeships" (p. 1), "Students from Japan attending L.A. area colleges organize own society" (p. 2), "Canada couple denied compensation for WW2 confiscation of property" (p. 2), …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 8 (August 21, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-33)
Selected article titles: "Asian actors protest snub" (p. 1), "Culture of new Mainland arrivals may smother diverse life-styles of Hawaii" (p. 1), "Hollywood film industry anxious to sign Orientals in technical work pool" (p. 1), "MSG not hazardous generally: FDA say" (p. 1), "Nationwide protest organized against new 'Teahouse' musical" (p. 1), "Naturalizations lag while number …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 17 (April 24, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-17)
Selected article titles: "Australia not interested in Americans of Oriental ancestry as immigrants" (p. 1), "Gov. Brown vows to fight FEPC referendum if placed on ballot" (p. 1), "Strandee sues gov't for selling off home" (p. 1), "Salt Lake chapter signs Japanese movie star, now housewife, as 550th member" (p. 4), "Perfumed waters off mudflats of …