9 items
9 items
Lorraine Hirano giving thumbs up (ddr-densho-336-760)
The 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Campers during skit night (ddr-densho-336-739)
The 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. \nCaption on front: "Hikido, Lynn; Kashima, Kathy; Iseke, Patti; Onishi, Gail (hidden); Eijima, Mary; Lorraine Hirano / Sasagawa, Jeff; Goto, Alpha; Shiozaki, Steve."
Lorraine Hirano and Dale Sakai on the dock (ddr-densho-336-869)
The 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Lorraine Hirano and Dale Sakai on the dock (ddr-densho-336-862)
The 1976 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 8 (August 21, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-33)
Selected article titles: "Asian actors protest snub" (p. 1), "Culture of new Mainland arrivals may smother diverse life-styles of Hawaii" (p. 1), "Hollywood film industry anxious to sign Orientals in technical work pool" (p. 1), "MSG not hazardous generally: FDA say" (p. 1), "Nationwide protest organized against new 'Teahouse' musical" (p. 1), "Naturalizations lag while number …