3 items
3 items

White River Valley sumo club (ddr-densho-25-6)
Sumo wrestling was a popular sport among the Issei and Nisei. This team from the White River Valley was in Tacoma for a tournament. Front row (left to right): Sam Katsura, Tom Marutani, Tom Hirai, Tony Tsujikawa, D. Kagitani, Frank Takeshita, George Hirai, Mitsuo (Mike) Iseri, unidentified, Ted Takeshita, and Ted Tsukamaki. Back row: Matahichi Iseri, …

Baseball team (ddr-densho-25-5)
Baseball teams from different Buddhist churches competed against one another during the early 1930s. The teams were often created by the Young Buddhist Association (YBA). The team on the left is from Tacoma; the team on the right is from the White River Valley. Left to right (starting with the ninth man from the left): Reverend …