18 items
18 items

Auburn baseball team dugout (ddr-densho-18-50)
Left to right: George Hori, George Terada, and George Hirai.

Choei "George" Hirai (ddr-njpa-5-1253)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Head of Lanai City branch, Nippu Jiji."

Group on deck of ship (ddr-densho-356-29)
Photograph of a group of 12 people on the deck of the Tokyo Tatuta Maru. Identified left to right front row: unknown, grandma Hirai. Middle row: George Hirai, Yoneo, David Hirai, unknown, Mrs. Hideo Okada, Yone Narumi, Richard Tsukada. Back row: unknown, unknown, unknown.

Auburn baseball team (ddr-densho-18-82)
Front (left to right): George Terada and George Hirai. Back: Matsuo Sakagami, Ben Nomura, and Jack Hori. Frank Natsuhara cut and arranged the photos on this page.

Envelope of Choei "George" Hirai photographs (ddr-njpa-5-1252)
Caption on front [translation]: "Head of Lanai City branch, Nippu Jiji."

Auburn baseball team (ddr-densho-18-55)
Front (left to right): Susie Uyeda, Yoshi Natsuhara, George Terada, Ray Kiyohara, Morrie Yamaguchi, and Mike Tokumatsu. Back: Jack Hori, Nobu Nakatani, George Hirai, Mr. Tsurui, Matsu Sakagami, Toshi Yamanaka, Hiato Kojo, Mr. Arai, and Mr. Hori.

At a park (ddr-densho-356-27)
Richard Tsukada posing for the camera at a Park in Tokyo. Inscribed on the back: "at a park in Tokyo Japan 1939 or 1940."

Richard Tsukada sitting on rock above water (ddr-densho-356-24)
Photograph of Richard Tsukada sitting a on a rock above water. Inscribed on the back: "Somewhere in Japan whereabouts unknown."

White River Valley sumo club (ddr-densho-25-6)
Sumo wrestling was a popular sport among the Issei and Nisei. This team from the White River Valley was in Tacoma for a tournament. Front row (left to right): Sam Katsura, Tom Marutani, Tom Hirai, Tony Tsujikawa, D. Kagitani, Frank Takeshita, George Hirai, Mitsuo (Mike) Iseri, unidentified, Ted Takeshita, and Ted Tsukamaki. Back row: Matahichi Iseri, …

Employment office (ddr-densho-159-270)
Left to right: unknown, Alice Hikige, unknown, Kitty Hirai, unknown, Tomo (last name unknown).

Baseball team (ddr-densho-25-5)
Baseball teams from different Buddhist churches competed against one another during the early 1930s. The teams were often created by the Young Buddhist Association (YBA). The team on the left is from Tacoma; the team on the right is from the White River Valley. Left to right (starting with the ninth man from the left): Reverend …

Negative strip (ddr-densho-356-32)
Negative strip of four images of Richard Tsukada's trip to Japan c. 1939. Print copies of the negatives visible at ddr-densho-356-24, ddr-densho-356-29, and ddr-densho-356-21. Images 1 & 2: Negatives of Richard Tsukada sitting a on a rock above water. Image 3: Negative of a group of 12 people on the deck of the …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 19 (May 8, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-19)
Selected article titles: "Future of Washington office to be mooted at '60 confab" (p. 1), "Comprehensive civil rights bill urged before House subcommittee" (p. 1), "Huge Watsonville fire hits old gakuen" (p. 2), "Washington anti bias board renders first decision on fair housing request" (p. 6), "Renunciant decision reversed by appellate court, burden of proof rule …

Reveille Volume 1, Number 3 (ddr-densho-390-135)
The third issue of the Reveille includes articles about upcoming events, updates on new buildings, a short story, scouting in other camps, sports, a salute to Tom Sasaki, and more.

Walnut Grove reunion program (ddr-densho-390-42)
A program for the 1981 Walnut Grove reunion with the schedule of events, directory, boosters, advertisements, and more. The Matsuoka family is listed on page 66 of the directory and as boosters on page 78. Toshio Matsuoka is listed on page 40 as responsible for posters.