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9 items
Portrait of group of men in uniform outside barracks (ddr-ajah-2-743)
img Portrait of group of men in uniform outside barracks (ddr-ajah-2-743)
Caption below photo: Yas Koike / Johnny Kitagawa / Yoshimura Noburu / Darryl Taniguchi / Karl Branstad / Bill Fuji / Harvey Watanabe / Grant Hirabayashi / Iwao Shimamoto / Bill Nuno / Harry Sekiya / Tak Hirabayashi / George Hatakeda / Lincoln Taira / Yukio Kawamoto / Frank Hachiya / Moffitt Ishikawa / Members of …
Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-741)
img Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-741)
Caption below photo: Ben Moriwaki / Chikateru Inouye / Tak Hirabayashi / Walter Tanaka / Yukio Kawamoto / Ken Kato / Kayano, George / Terry Takahashi / Chisaka / Harold Fudenna / Don Hikido / Sho Ishii / Roy Ashizawa / Topaz, Utah, December, 1942
Group photo of men in uniform outside Topaz camp building.  Joe Iwataki standing second from left (ddr-ajah-2-785)
img Group photo of men in uniform outside Topaz camp building. Joe Iwataki standing second from left (ddr-ajah-2-785)
Caption: Joe Iwataki of Alameda, CA., posed with Gis while he is on furlough to Topaz, Utah, July 1943. Photo shot in front of the Ad building. Additional note about names: These names were on the back of the photo but it was difficult to know the exact position of the person named. Supplemental scan of …
Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-800)
img Portrait of group of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-800)
Caption: Niseis from the Military Intelligence School at Camp Savage, Minnesota visit friends and family incarcerated at Topaz, Utah - December 4. 1942. Includes names.
Group portrait of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-811)
img Group portrait of men in uniform (ddr-ajah-2-811)
Caption: Nisei soldiers from Barracks 15, Military Intelligence Service Language School (MISLS) Camp Savage, Minnesota, April 24, 1943. Supplemental scan of ddr-ajah-2-743 with additional notes
Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-181)
doc Scrapbook for Fremont JACL (ddr-densho-491-181)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1980
Memoirs 1943 - Minidoka High School Yearbook (ddr-densho-474-48)
doc Memoirs 1943 - Minidoka High School Yearbook (ddr-densho-474-48)
Yearbook for the Minidoka High School, property of Starr Urakawa. The school included grades 8-12. Individual students are photographed in senior portraits or class photos. Student activities are represented, including student labor/work experience program ("part-time workers"), May Day royalty, and sports. Student signatures are included throughout the book.