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8 items
Check to Yuriko Domoto from James Hikido (ddr-densho-356-865)
doc Check to Yuriko Domoto from James Hikido (ddr-densho-356-865)
Check to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from James J. Hikido for 5 dollars.
Reception Committee Meeting Minutes from September 4, 1943 (ddr-densho-356-855)
doc Reception Committee Meeting Minutes from September 4, 1943 (ddr-densho-356-855)
Meeting minutes from the Reception Committee Meeting on September 4, 1943. Topics include: Reports from sub-committee on space, Sub-committee on hospitality, and sub-committee on registration.
Black Managers List (ddr-densho-356-954)
doc Black Managers List (ddr-densho-356-954)
List of Block Managers in Amache from April 24, 1943.
Reception Committee Meeting Minutes from August 28, 1943 (ddr-densho-356-853)
doc Reception Committee Meeting Minutes from August 28, 1943 (ddr-densho-356-853)
Meeting minutes from the Reception Committee Meeting on August 28, 1943. Topics include: focus of committee, break down of sub-committees, reports from sub-committees, scheduling of next meeting.
Incoming Evacuees Reception Committee Outline of Duties (ddr-densho-356-857)
doc Incoming Evacuees Reception Committee Outline of Duties (ddr-densho-356-857)
Document detailing members of the reception committee, their duties, and the time table for the committee to prepare for the arrival for transfers from Tule Lake.
Memo regarding Reception Committee Meeting (ddr-densho-356-854)
doc Memo regarding Reception Committee Meeting (ddr-densho-356-854)
Memo from John J.O. Moore to members of the Reception Committee to inform them of a change time and date committee meeting to September 4, 1943 and an ask to bring written subcommittee reports to the meeting.
Work schedule, map, and list (ddr-densho-356-952)
doc Work schedule, map, and list (ddr-densho-356-952)
All stapled together were a work schedule for the Case Workers in Public Welfare, two maps of Granada, and a list of block managers dated January 22, 1943