2 items
2 items
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 104, No. 1 (January 2-9, 1987) (ddr-pc-59-1)
Special New Year edition. Selected article titles: "Jackson: Japan Must Improve Treatment of Minorities" (pp. 1, 13), "Putting Substance Behind Our Words" (p. 8), "1986 Chronology" (pp. 10-12), and "Joseph Heco and the Joseph Heco Society" (pp. 18, 20-21).
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 106, No. 1 (January 1-8, 1988) (ddr-pc-60-1)
Special new year edition. Selected article titles: "Unlikely Journalist Writes Book About Unlikely Liberators" (pp. 1-2), "Yasui Coram Nobis: Case Closed" (p. 1), "The Exploration of the Magic Code" (pp. 2-3, 9-10), "Saburo Okinaga: World War II and the Experiences of One Japanese American in Hawaii" (p. 10), and "The Letters of Joseph Heco" (pp. 11-12).