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Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 2, (July 10, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-27)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 71, No. 2, (July 10, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-27)
Selected article titles: "JACL Convention Delegates' Special Edition" (p. 1), "Greater emphasis on education urged in 9-point JACL program" (p. 1), "Nisei veterans at Reunion told own war record is 'hallmark of patriotism'" (p. 1), "Japanese Class at Dorsey High O.K. but status of teacher unsettled" (p. 3), "Little Tokyo redevelopment project approved by U.S. govt." …
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 23 (June 12, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-23)
doc Pacific Citizen, Vol. 70, No. 23 (June 12, 1970) (ddr-pc-42-23)
Selected article titles: "Unexpected election due, 3 seek president's job" (p. 1), "Japanese in U.S. feature topic for school newspaper" (p. 1), "Asian Studies task force sought for San Francisco city schools" (p. 3).