11 items
11 items
Storage list for Arata and M. Hara (ddr-sbbt-2-237)
A check-in list for goods belonging to Arata and M. Hara, moved from the Buddhist Church (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple) to Lyon Van and Storage Company's lot 759.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 66, No. 25 (June 21, 1968) (ddr-pc-40-25)
Selected article titles: "Noguchi confirmed as county coroner" (p. 1), "California measure may shut door on Nisei apprentices" (p. 1), "JACL committing hara kiri without civil rights stress" (p. 1), "Matsunaga fears heroic episodes of 442nd may be forgotten soon by public" (p. 1), "Nisei of Biennium candidates revealed" (p. 1), "M. Masaoka due recognition for …
Property storage list (ddr-sbbt-2-37)
A lists of names and locations for stored property. Yoshimura, J.; Nomura, S.; Okamoto, M.; Ujimoto, N.; Yamanaka, K.; Mizuta, S.; Matsui, J.; Tsutsumi, N.; Yoshimura, M.; Miyake, Y.; Miyake, H.; Izui; Shioyama, K.; Matsuda, Haruye; Hirokane, T.; Iwamura, K.; Suzuki, Y.; Kuromiya, S.; Edamura, H.; Kokita, K.; Takahashi, T.; Morinaga, T.; Shimizu, N.; Fukuhara, H. …
Meeting of the Community Council and the Block Commissioners with Mr. Myer (ddr-sbbt-2-31)
Community council members and block commissioners meet with Mr. Dillon S. Meyer, outlining the difficulties of leaving Minidoka and present a series of requests.
Letter to H. Leon Yager from Yoshito Fujii (ddr-sbbt-2-34)
A response letter to H. Leon Yager from Yoshito Fujii with an enclosed personal history statement.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 25 (December 18, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-51)
Selected article titles: "Pocatello JACL alerts headline writer in Idaho on use of "Jap" (p. 1), "Nisei files to block deportation order issued 8 years ago" (p. 1), "16 states have specialized agencies to enforce anti-minority discrimination laws" (p. 3).
Survey Results (ddr-densho-356-989)
Typed up individual responses to a survey conducted on families at Granada in June 1943.
Handwritten notes (ddr-densho-356-991)
Handwritten notes regarding survey (object 898), including individual answers to the survey.
Japanese Immigrants in Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming (ddr-densho-423-339)
Including photos of businesses and homes, family portraits, state maps. Section of full and partial page advertisements for businesses including photos and proprietors between pages 272 and 273.