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Jimmie Hanamura in baseball uniform in stadium (ddr-ajah-5-90)
img Jimmie Hanamura in baseball uniform in stadium (ddr-ajah-5-90)
Caption below photo: Jimmie Hanamura of the Alameda Taiiku Kai (ATK) baseball team. He was born September 4, 1908, making this image circa late 1920s or early 1930s. Alameda, CA.
Boy in baseball uniform standing in field (ddr-ajah-5-80)
img Boy in baseball uniform standing in field (ddr-ajah-5-80)
Caption below photo: An early photo of Jimmie Hanamura, who would play for the alameda Taiiku Kai (ATK) baseball team. It is unclear if he is a part of the team in this photo as he appears too young. A youth league did exist in Northern California in this time period, and ATK sponsored a team.
Team photo of ATK baseball team (ddr-ajah-5-99)
img Team photo of ATK baseball team (ddr-ajah-5-99)
Caption below photo: Alameda Taiiku Kai (ATK), location unknown, probably 1935-1937
The Alameda Japanese Grammar School 1908-1916 /  September 1983 M. Miyauchi (ddr-ajah-4-19)
doc The Alameda Japanese Grammar School 1908-1916 / September 1983 M. Miyauchi (ddr-ajah-4-19)
Memoir of student who attended the Alameda Japanese Grammar School. Includes names of students and teachers