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7 items
Home movie footage of the wedding of Joanne Aiko Takeda and George Takata (ddr-ajah-4-76)
av Home movie footage of the wedding of Joanne Aiko Takeda and George Takata (ddr-ajah-4-76)
Home movie footage of the wedding of Joanne Aiko Takeda and George Takata at the Twin Towers Church in Alameda, California. Home movies taken by Haruo "Howe" Hanamura (April 10, 1919 - August 18, 2012).
Document with photo of Alameda Mustangs basketball team and transcription of articles (ddr-ajah-5-41)
doc Document with photo of Alameda Mustangs basketball team and transcription of articles (ddr-ajah-5-41)
Caption below photo: Alameda Isle City Mustangs basektball team, circa 1938. Includes individual names. Article is from Nichibei Shinbun, December 21, 1937
Mudhens football team photo (ddr-ajah-5-6)
img Mudhens football team photo (ddr-ajah-5-6)
Caption below photo: 1932 Mudhens football team - Nichi Bei League champs Alameda, CA. Individuals identified
The Alameda Japanese Grammar School 1908-1916 /  September 1983 M. Miyauchi (ddr-ajah-4-19)
doc The Alameda Japanese Grammar School 1908-1916 / September 1983 M. Miyauchi (ddr-ajah-4-19)
Memoir of student who attended the Alameda Japanese Grammar School. Includes names of students and teachers