5 items
5 items
Correspondence and clippings regarding donation of an article (ddr-densho-338-136)
Correspondence between the National Japanese American Historical Society and Guyo Tajiri regarding her donation of a 1947 Pacific Citizen article titled: "A French Town Remembers Its Nisei Liberators."
Letter from Guyo Tajiri to Clifford Uyeda (ddr-densho-338-178)
A letter where Guyo Tajiri tells Clifford Uyeda about the effort Larry and Ruth Hall made to have a memorial placed in Bruyeres to commemorate the 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
Ruth Ogawa Tsubota and Michio Takahashi in the mess hall (ddr-densho-336-80)
The 1951 Lake Sequoia Retreat summer camp. Left to right: Ruth Ogawa, Michi Takahashi.
Mess Hall workers (ddr-densho-363-22)
The caption on the back of the photograph reads "Heart Mt Mess Hall workers Kimi Komoto + workers". \n\nPictured from left to right: Unidentified, Kimi Komoto, Kimi Uchida, Tomi Ichida, Chiyo Sakane, Asano Marutama, Toshiko Tsuyuki, Ruth Murakami, Hatsuye Shimizu, Unidentified
Mess Hall Identification Card (ddr-csujad-29-24)
Manzanar mess hall identification card. Block 20, Building 11, Apt. 4. Belonging to Ruth Hochi. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 4137_M03