6 items
6 items

Young people's church gathering (ddr-densho-259-282)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "Some sort of young Nisei gathering taken in front of the Hood River Riverside Church, a Congregational church Since both the Reverends Lester Bond, the then-pastor at Riverside, and Taro Goto are shown, I figure that this was some sort of a young peoples' church gathering, mostly likely a YPCC [Young People's …

Young People's Christian Conference (ddr-densho-259-365)
Caption by Homer Yasui: "I think that this gathering took place in front of what was then called the Centenary Wilbur Methodist Church, in Portland I suspect that this was a YPCC--Young People's Christian Conference--because many of the Nisei are wearing identification badges."

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 49, No. 10 (September 4, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-36)
Selected article titles: "JACL nominates Rep. Inouye as 'outstanding young man'" (p. 1), "40 and 8 fail to eliminate own race bias" (p. 1), "Japanese industrial team winds up U.S. tour with turkey dinner in typical home" (p. 3), "Suggest Washington Office be dropped, National be liaison between chapters" (p. 5), "Watsonville Issei processing apples all …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 42, No. 4 (January 27, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-4)
Selected article titles: "If Revisions Being Contemplated, 'Fair Share' Urged for Far East in Eisenhower Message on Immigration" (p. 1), "Californians enter evacuation claims bill in 2d session" (p. 1), "Virginia court rejects U.S. Supreme Court order to develop Ham Say Naim case" (p. 1), "$13,000 in nation-wide contribution acknowledged by Marysville flood group" (p. 2), …

Pacific Citizen, Vol. 43, No. 14 (October 5, 1956) (ddr-pc-28-40)
Selected article titles: "Note Sansei in Hawaii Politics, 2 Seek Offices" (p. 1), "Sansei scores 190 pts. out of possible 110 in Oregon State entrance examination" (p. 1), "New Justice Dep't Procedures for Renunciants Follows JACL Policy" (p. 1), "Effective campaign to carry 'Yes on Prop. 13' urged in Nisei vernacular" (p. 1), "Detroit JACLers open …

1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted