538 items
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 129 (June 17, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-285)
Selected article titles: "400 Openings Available for New Arrivals" (p. 1), "750 Heads Added to Cattle Farm" (p. 3), "Ball Tossing in Block Tabooed" (p. 4).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 62 (January 13, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-216)
Selected article titles: "Resettlement Queries Listed" (p. 1), "Employment of Nisei in Defense Jobs Made Easy" (p. 1), "Editorial: Of Skates and Swords" (p. 2), "They Bear Arms for Democracy" (p. 2), "Three Cases Set for Hearings" (p. 3), "Student Relocation: Reorganized Council's First Meeting Tonight" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 82 (February 29, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-237)
Selected article titles: "Granada Nisei Seek Rights" (p. 1), "700 Nisei Students to be Placed This Year" (p. 1), "Jerome Residents Headed for Nearest Centers" (p. 1), "Editorial: Of Two Approaches" (p. 2), "'We Must Fight for Our Rights'" (p. 2), "Thirty to Leave for Texas Camp" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. IV No. 36 (May 5, 1945) (ddr-densho-141-395)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Troops Spearhead Drive Into North Italy" (p. 1), "Nisei Veterans Visit Center" (p. 3), "Reserve Hostel Spaces Early" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. IV No. 30 (April 14, 1945) (ddr-densho-141-389)
Selected article titles: "President Roosevelt Dead. Harry Truman Sworn in as 33rd U.S. President" (p. 1), "Realignment: Relocation Will Handle Property " (p. 1), "Calif.: L.A. WRA Office Gets Autonomy" (p. 2), "WRA to Aid Hostels by Lending Furniture" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 77 (June 29, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-115)
Selected article titles: "Rivers Ready to Meet Nation's Food Shortage" (p. 1), "Employment Roll Will be Cut from 6000 to 4200" (p. 1), "Friendly: Nicholson Tells of Fair Play" (p. 1), "Evacuees Entitled to $100 Property Tax Exemption" (p. 1), "Editorials: Only Man is Prejudiced" (p. 2), "Jittery Arizona is Inconsistent with Past History" (p. 2).
Gila News-Courier Vol. IV No. 23 (March 21, 1945) (ddr-densho-141-381)
Selected article titles: "Spring Frolic Friday Night" (p. 1), "New York State Passes Anti-Discrimination Law" (p. 1), "Red Cross: Poston Holds Japan Messages" (p. 2), "Decision Postponed on Validity of Exclusion" (p. 3), "442nd Medics Highly Esteemed" (p. 5), "WRA Compiles Nisei Casualties" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 85 (March 7, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-240)
Selected article titles: "Church Council Asks Clarification in Mixup" (p. 1), "Fire Burns Building Property Worth $13,000" (p. 1), "Report: 2500 Students Relocated" (p. 2), "Editorial: Justifiable Pride" (p. 2), "Arizona: Dietitians Visit Yesterday" (p. 3), "Draft is Major Step Forward" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 49 (April 24, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-85)
Selected article titles: "Mrs. F.D. Roosevelt Visits. Urges Wise Resettlement; Admires Evacuee Fortitude. Hopes Postwar Period Will Find Wide Assimilation of Japanese" (p. 1), "Leave Freeze May be Lifted" (p. 1), "Labor Shortage Hits Courier" (p. 1), "ID Tags for All Residents" (p. 1).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 57 (May 13, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-93)
Selected article titles: "Assistance: NYC Group Aids Resettlers" (p. 1), "Nisei West Coast Return Unopposed by War Dept" (p. 1), "Official Urges Resettlement" (p. 1), "Director Signs Vehicle Code. No Joy Riding" (p. 1), "Editorial: They Need Education" (p. 2), "Attention: Hands Off Fire Extinguishers" (p. 3), "Nisei: Relocation is Steady" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 27 (October 23, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-176)
Selected article titles: "Buck: Advocates Equal Enemy Treatment" (p. 1), "Editorial: The Star" (p. 2), "Bennett: Post-War Camp for U.S. Disabled" (p. 3), "Reiterates: Japanese Will Become Popular" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. IV No. 26 (March 31, 1945) (ddr-densho-141-384)
Selected article titles: "Trial Set for Arson Suspects" (p. 1), "Clarification on Draft Cards" (p. 1), "Why Risk Foolishly" (p. 2), "Hotel to Open for Japanese" (p. 3), "Classes Open on Electricity" (p. 4).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 96 (April 1, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-251)
Selected article titles: "Walter Explains Leave Status" (p. 1), "Rules Passed on Dogs, Cats" (p. 1), "WAC: Iseri Explains Why She Joined" (p. 2), "Editorial: A Bit of Justice" (p. 2).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 74 (June 22, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-111)
Selected article titles: "Rivers Seasonal, Indefinite Leaves Scale Thousand. Dispersal is Over Wider Area" (p. 1), "More Recruits Sought by Army" (p. 1), "Reiterates: No Evacuees in State After War" (p. 1), "Friendliness Balances Antagonism" (p. 2), "Dies Committee Reproved by Washington Post" (p. 2).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 28 (October 26, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-177)
Selected article titles: "Residents Asked to Donate to Community Chest Fund" (p. 1), "Community Empowered to Pass Laws, Try Violations" (p. 1), "Segregation Hearings Set" (p. 1), "Editorial: Good-Will Campaign" (p. 2), "Discrimination Bill Opposition Commended" (p. 3), "Faulty Wiring Causes Rivers' First Big Fire" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 91 (July 31, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-132)
Selected article titles: "Baggage: Inspection Rules Given" (p. 1), "Superman May Help Evacuees" (p. 1), "D.S. Myer Issues Statement on WRA Segregation Policies" (p. 1), "Editorial: Term, Kibei, Misused" (p. 2), "Melon Season = Ice Shortage" (p. 3), "Heart Mt. Scoops on Gila Flood. Wish it Were True" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 55 (May 8, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-91)
Selected article titles: "NYA Schools Open to Nisei. Expenses Paid" (p. 1), "Aliens Become Eligible to Hold Elective Office. Committee Revises City Charter" (p. 1), "Voluntary Enlistment Sought; Savage Recruiters Arrive" (p. 1), "Editorial: Thoughts of a Nisei" (p. 2), "Repatriation Questions Answered" (p. 3), "H20 Shortage Hits Blocks. Warning Issued" (p. 4).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 106 (April 25, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-262)
Selected article titles: "Dedication: Rivers Men in Service Honored" (p. 1), "All Private Enterprises Banned After May First" (p. 1), "Action Soon for Sea Going Nisei" (p. 1), "Editorial: The Real Tests" (p. 2), "Pioneers Pave Wave for Others" (p. 2), "Petition Out for Anti-Alien Law" (p. 3), "Endo Test Case Gets Review" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 7 (January 16, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-41)
Selected article titles: "Experts Study Coop Set-up. Primary Organizers Meet" (p. 1), "Today Deadline for Draft Registration. Last Sign-up 4 pm High School Office" (p. 1), "Army Control for Camps Sought" (p. 1), "53 Percent Favor Japanese Return to West Coast" (p. 1), "Rural War Production Training Program Begun" (p. 2), "Japanese Literary Supplement Ready" (p. …
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 34 (November 9, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-185)
Selected article titles: "'Sun' Absolves Loyal Evacuees" (p. 1), "Tule Riot Story Yet Unreleased" (p. 1), "Editorial: Growing Pains Over" (p. 2), "Milk Ration Now Reduced" (p. 3), "Chicken Must be Penned" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 173 (September 28, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-328)
Selected article titles: "Western Defense Opposes Return of Ochikubo" (p. 1), "Andres to Talk on Delinquency" (p. 1), "Florin Fire Loss Reported" (p. 2), "Takahashi: Unselfish Act Proves Fatal to Nisei Soldier" (p. 3), "Evacuees Must Get Approval" (p. 4), "Nurse Corps Accepts Nisei" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. IV No. 59 (July 25, 1945) (ddr-densho-141-418)
Selected article titles: "Miller Gives Closing Dates for Schools" (p. 1), "Suggests State Buy Manzanar" (p. 1), "Class Opens in Janitor Work" (p. 1), "Recognition for Nisei" (p. 2), "Draft Trial: Supreme Court Denies Hearing" (p. 3).
Gila Co-op News, Vol. I No. 3 (July 3, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-118)
Selected article titles: "Private Enterprise Within Center" (p. 1), "Patronage Receipts to be Called in" (p. 1), "Audited Report Complete" (p. 1), "Ice Available at Canteen" (p. 1).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 24 (February 25, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-60)
Selected article titles: "Citizenship Rights for Nisei to be Defended. Myer Wires Reassurance" (p. 1), "Departers May Get Ration Books Upon Request" (p. 1), "More Agitators Rounded Up in Centers" (p. 1), "Editorial: Which is it to be?" (p. 2), "Gila Mess Operations Sets Pattern for Other Centers" (p. 3), "Dogs in Center to be Tagged" …
Gila News-Courier Vol. I No. 12 (October 21, 1942) (ddr-densho-141-12)
Selected article titles: "Camouflage Net Work Begins. Work Limited to Citizens Only: One Thousand Workers Sought" (p. 1), "Gila Chapter of JACL Assured" (p. 1), "Cacti Cutters Cautioned" (p. 2), "WRA Communities Compared" (p. 2), "Positions Open for New Arrivals" (p. 4), "Nurseries Grow Under Direction of Specialists" (p. 5).