538 items
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 32 (November 4, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-183)
Selected article titles: "Diet Kitchen Plans Released" (p. 1), "FEPC: Order Issued for Fair Play" (p. 1), "Editorial: The Goal is Worthy" (p. 2), "Formal for New Year?" (p. 3), "Police Handle Lost and Found" (p. 4).
Gila Co-op News, Vol. I No. 16 (October 5, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-164)
Selected article titles: "Cash Register Receipts Deadline -- October 6" (p. 1), "2 Month Income Totals $140,561" (p. 1), "Equity Certificates Almost Completed" (p. 1), "Canteen #3 Gets Overhauling" (p. 1).
Gila Co-op News, Vol. III No. 3 (April 4, 1945) (ddr-densho-141-386)
Selected article titles: "Memorandum to Mr. Kinhachi Shibuya and Mr. Bunji Ikenoue" (p. 1).
Gila Co-op News, Vol. I No. 15 (September 28, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-160)
Selected article titles: "Arizona Coffers Increased by $26,233.00" (p. 1), "Student Trainee Course in Co-op" (p. 1), "Refunds: Substantial Sums Represented" (p. 1), "Co-op Books at Libraries" (p. 1).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 39 (November 20, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-191)
Selected article titles: "Nisei Soldier Declares He Fights for Liberty" (p. 1), "Relocation: Family Leaves to be Fostered" (p. 1), "Editorial: WRA on Offensive" (p. 2), "Adoption: Midwest Family Takes Nisei Girl" (p. 2), "Strict Enforcement of Traffic Laws Urged" (p. 3), "Exclusion Act Repeal Approved" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 80 (July 6, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-119)
Selected article titles: "Gila Co-op: Amendment Drafted to Limit Scope Within Center" (p. 1), "Heart Mountain Girl a WAAC" (p. 1), "Chamberlin: Navy Will Buy Contrabands" (p. 1), "Instructions: Departure Date Changed to Avoid Weekend Arrivals" (p. 4).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 81 (July 8, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-120)
Selected article titles: "Arizona Statute Illegal. Declared Unconstitutional by Maricopa County Judge" (p. 1), "Myer Reproves Dies Committee; Segregation Nears for Disloyal" (p. 1), "Masaoka Defends WRA Policies to Dies Committee" (p. 1), "Editorial: Segregation Favored" (p. 2), "Dies Hearing Starts Quietly in Washington" (p. 2), "Health: Blocks Inspected for Sanitation" (p. 3), "East, Midwest: Commission …
Gila News-Courier Vol. IV No. 14 (February 17, 1945) (ddr-densho-141-372)
Selected article titles: "Tobacco Sale Begins Monday" (p. 1), "WR Centers: Nisei Casualty Score Hits 486" (p. 1), "Tuleans Leave for Internment" (p. 1), "Rights Being Restored" (p. 2), "Trends: Doctor Fights Discrimination" (p. 2), "Impressions: 'Good to be Back in California'" (p. 4).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 143 (July 20, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-299)
Selected article titles: "Two Legal Men Visit Project" (p. 1), "Butte Council Approves Revised Juvenile Code" (p. 1), "Citizenship: Renunciation Not Compulsory" (p. 2), "Editorial: Life With a Purpose" (p. 2).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 60 (May 20, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-96)
Selected article titles: "Lack of Job Ethics Deplored; Relocation Progress in Sight" (p. 1), "Indefinite Leave Given Regardless of Job Offer" (p. 1), "Fresno Chapter Defends JA Rights" (p. 5), "Wallet Lost in Showers" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Armistice Day Supplement (November 11, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-345)
Selected article titles: "Dead" (p. 1), "Wounded" (p. 1), "In the Service" (p. 2).
Gila News-Courier Vol. I No. 23 (November 28, 1942) (ddr-densho-141-23)
Selected article titles: "Aliens Eligible for Leaves Under New Regulations" (p. 1), "Supply Shortage Delays Repairs" (p. 1), "Numerically Males Superior" (p. 1), "Documentary Movies Taken" (p. 1), "Sewage Plant Nears Operation" (p. 1), "Need Lawn Seeds?" (p. 2).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 29 (October 28, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-178)
Selected article titles: "Supreme Court to Try Arizona Law on November 15" (p. 1), "Wilson: Evacuees Well Defended in Senate Hearings" (p. 1), "Editorial: Council Sees Light" (p. 2), "Residents May Engage Calif. Attorneys for Legal Matters" (p. 3), "Pasadena: Churches Study Nisei Program" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 15 (September 25, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-158)
Selected article titles: "Oregon Resents Nisei Settling" (p. 1), "Canal Won't Close Says Bennett" (p. 1), "Editorial: Council Can Work, If --" (p. 2), "Evacuees Denied Right to Unemployment Compensation" (p. 3), "Alien Soldiers Get Naturalized: Five Aliens Volunteer Here" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 100 (April 11, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-255)
Selected article titles: "Tsuyuki: First Nisei Paratrooper" (p. 1), "Twelve to Leave for Texas Camp" (p. 1), "New York Described in 16-Page Pamphlet" (p. 2), "No Swimming in Canals Allowed" (p. 2), "Ice Cream Sale Announced" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 15 (February 4, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-50)
Selected article titles: "General Registration Begins Next Week. All Residents 17 and Up to Serve Two-Fold Purpose" (p. 1), "Editorial: Spotlight Warmer" (p. 2), "Private Express Damages Not WRA Responsibility" (p. 3), "Winter Vegetable Harvest Faced with Labor Shortage" (p. 4).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 1 (January 1, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-35)
Selected article titles: "Happy New Year: Let's Feel That 1943 Will Bring Better Days -- Bennett" (p. 1), "Oil Stoves: Two Thousand Homes Warmed" (p. 1), "Better World Through Better Understanding" (p. 2), "Vocational Agriculture Class to be Organized" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 117 (May 20, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-273)
Selected article titles: "Council Notes: Better Travel System Sought" (p. 1), "Chicago: Takes Evacuees Without Jobs" (p. 1), "Future of WRA Centers Discussed at Denver" (p. 1), "Nisei Fight on Liberty Ship" (p. 2), "Discrimination Must Go" (p. 2), "No Cigarettes Sold to Minors" (p. 4), "Anti-Alien Land Law Petitioned" (p. 5).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 89 (July 27, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-130)
Selected article titles: "Japan Silent on Exchanges" (p. 1), "Hottest Day: Storm Wrath a Head-Ache" (p. 1), "Forced Resettlement Not Planned by WRA -- Bennett. Tule Lake Center for Segregated" (p. 1), "Editorials: Minority Problems" (p. 2), "Guilty Residents Arraigned" (p. 3).
Gila Bulletin, Vol. I No. 1 (September 8, 1945) (ddr-densho-141-430)
Selected article titles: "Hostels: Freight Not Accepted" (p. 1), "Visitors: Leave Regulations" (p. 1), "San Francisco: Navy Man Backs Nisei" (p. 2).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 186 (November 4, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-342)
Selected article titles: "Education Week Begins Monday" (p. 1), "Nisei Sergeant Captures Nazis" (p. 2), "Canal Residents Will Install Own Stoves" (p. 3).
Gila News-Courier Vol. I No. 7 (October 3, 1942) (ddr-densho-141-7)
Selected article titles: "Over 3000 to Sign-up for Studies. School Registration Days Are October 5th to 7th" (p. 1), "More Citizens Leave Colony" (p. 1), "Urgent Call for Farm Hands" (p. 1), "Kibeis Meet" (p. 1), "New Mess Halls Jobs Open" (p. 6).
Gila News-Courier Vol. III No. 116 (May 18, 1944) (ddr-densho-141-272)
Selected article titles: "Gen. Emmons: Some Evacuees Return West" (p. 1), "62 Indicted at Heart Mountain" (p. 2), "Editorial: The First Draftees" (p. 2), "Chicagoans May Store Baggages" (p. 5).
Gila Co-op News, Vol. I No. 4 (July 10, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-122)
Selected article titles: "The Consumers Cooperative" (p. 1), "Gilbert Kuramitsu Leaving Center" (p. 1), "Sales Tags are Not Patronage Receipts" (p. 1).
Gila News-Courier Vol. II No. 4 (January 9, 1943) (ddr-densho-141-38)
Selected article titles: "Need of Consumer Coop to be Stressed at Meets" (p. 1), "Japan Messages Free of Charge" (p. 1), "Report Alien Interest" (p. 1), "Editorial: The Goal -- Humanity" (p. 2), "First Shipment of Vegetables for New Year" (p. 3), "New Evening Classes Scheduled: Dairying, Chinese Language, Cosmetology" (p. 4), "Two Hundred New Books …