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3438 items
Term report: what will my future ambition be? (ddr-csujad-48-1)
doc Term report: what will my future ambition be? (ddr-csujad-48-1)
Term paper by George Odahara for period V Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. He discusses working in a print shop during middle and high school to become a printer. However, after the war started he changed paths to become a farmer, believing he would never be …
Social problems (ddr-csujad-48-22)
doc Social problems (ddr-csujad-48-22)
Assignment by George Odahara for period V Social Problems class taught by Mr. Harry Bentley Wells, a teacher at Manzanar High School. George discusses the problem Japanese Americans in the incarceration camps face. He believes everyone should focus on the future and getting jobs after the war is over. In his opinion farming is going to …
V-mail letter from Georgie Yago to Sue Ogata Kato (ddr-csujad-49-150)
doc V-mail letter from Georgie Yago to Sue Ogata Kato (ddr-csujad-49-150)
Letter from George Yago to Sue Ogata Kato. An item from: pages 90-91 of the Sue Kato scrapbook (gfb_skc_001). See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: 2019_002_001_059_05
When American citizens lost their freedom, [newspaper article] (ddr-csujad-56-180)
doc When American citizens lost their freedom, [newspaper article] (ddr-csujad-56-180)
A newspaper article from the Press Democrat published on September 15, 1977. Interview of ex-incarceree, Murakami. Photos of recently arrived incarcerees and buildings at Camp Amache. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nbea08-02-047
Letter from George Ito to Lea Perry, May 18, 1942 (ddr-csujad-56-5)
doc Letter from George Ito to Lea Perry, May 18, 1942 (ddr-csujad-56-5)
Letter from George Ito to Lea Perry. The original letters are housed with the Sonoma County Japanese American Citizens League (JACL), and were borrowed for digitization courtesy of the JACL, December 2014. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: nbea08-01-003
Nisei soldier sorts German equipment (ddr-densho-114-14)
img Nisei soldier sorts German equipment (ddr-densho-114-14)
Original caption: Breacia Area, Italy. S/Sgt. George Y. Fujino, Los Angeles, Calif., of Company "C", 100th Battalion, of the 442nd Infantry Regiment, looks over German clothing and equipment at the Fifth Army enemy concentration area. 18 May 1945. [The correct spelling of the location is Brescia.]
National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-200)
img National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-200)
In the late 1940s, Seattle hosted the National Oriental Basketball Tournament with teams competing from Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Illinois and Vancouver, BC. Games like this one were played at the Seattle University Gymnasium.
National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-232)
img National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-232)
In the late 1940s, Seattle hosted the National Oriental Basketball Tournament with teams competing from Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Illinois and Vancouver, BC. In this photo one of the teams watches a game at the Seattle University Gymnasium.
Funeral service (ddr-densho-114-571)
img Funeral service (ddr-densho-114-571)
This funeral service, held at Maryknoll Catholic Church, is for a Nisei veteran killed in action during World War II.
National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-230)
img National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-230)
In the late 1940s, Seattle hosted the National Oriental Basketball Tournament with teams competing from Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Illinois and Vancouver, BC. In this photo Seattle Mayor William F. Devin talks with the Honolulu team.
National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-195)
img National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-195)
In the late 1940s, Seattle hosted the National Oriental Basketball Tournament with teams competing from Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Illinois and Vancouver, BC. Games like this one were played at the Seattle University Gymnasium.
National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-9)
img National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-9)
In the late 1940s, Seattle hosted the National Oriental Basketball Tournament with teams competing from Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Illinois and Vancouver, BC. Games like this one were played at the Seattle University Gymnasium.
Funeral service (ddr-densho-114-581)
img Funeral service (ddr-densho-114-581)
Nisei soldier giving the flag to a grieving mother.
Nisei technicians working on calculations (ddr-densho-114-98)
img Nisei technicians working on calculations (ddr-densho-114-98)
Original caption: Castrellina Sector, Italy. In the Fire Direction Center of the 522nd Field Artillery, 442nd Inf. Regt., 34th Division, Lt. George S. Meany, Greenwich, Conn., Left, works with his Japanese American crew. In the center is T/Sgt. Shuichi, Sakamoto, Lihue, Kauai, Hawaii, calculating vertical control and S/Sgt. Yuki Ahaki, Modesto Calif., at the horizontal control, …
National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-188)
img National basketball tournament (ddr-densho-114-188)
In the late 1940s, Seattle hosted the National Oriental Basketball Tournament with teams competing from Washington, Oregon, California, Hawaii, Illinois and Vancouver, BC. In this photo the Hawaiian team is playing Seattle's Cathay Post at the Seattle University Gymnasium.
Letter denying naturalization to Issei male (ddr-densho-126-2)
doc Letter denying naturalization to Issei male (ddr-densho-126-2)
Until 1952 U.S. law forbade people of Japanese ancestry from becoming naturalized citizens. This letter was sent to George Mitsutaro Yoshihara, an issei male who applied for U.S. citizenship in 1947.
Alien certificate of identification (ddr-densho-126-6)
doc Alien certificate of identification (ddr-densho-126-6)
After the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, Issei were required to carry identification documents because of their alien status. (Issei were barred from becoming naturalized citizens until 1952.) This document belonged to George Mitsutaro Yoshihara, a permanent U.S. resident since 1902. The identification certificate was the same size as an American passport and …