37 items
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Testimony of Mitsue Furuta (ddr-densho-67-274)
Written testimony of Mitsue Furuta of Seattle, Washington. This testimony was submitted for the CWRIC hearings in Seattle, Washington, September 9-11, 1981. Personal information excised by Densho.

Pleasant Beach Gardens (ddr-densho-34-68)
Pleasant Beach Gardens was operated by the Furuta family.

Fruta's Home (ddr-densho-378-212)
Photograph of a woman identified as Jean Furuta posed outside a house. Inscribed on the photograph is "To Ralph Jean" in blue ink. Caption on page: "Furuta's Home" and "Miss Jean Furuta"

Mass removal (ddr-densho-36-16)
Sumiko Furuta of Bainbridge Island, Washington, on a special ferry to Seattle. From Seattle, she will board a train headed for Manzanar Assembly Center, California.

Scene the Pictorial Magazine Vol. 1 No. 4 (August 1949) (ddr-densho-266-9)
Selected article titles: "Busy Block for Stork" (p. 3), "Personality - George Furuta" (p. 10).

Storage list for S. Furuta (ddr-sbbt-2-388)
A check-in list for goods belonging to S. Furuta, moved from the Buddhist Church (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple) to Lyon Van and Storage Company's lot 912.

Oakland (ddr-densho-378-213)
Photograph of a woman identified as Yuki Furuta standing outside posing for a photograph next to a bush. Inscribed on the photograph is "To Ralph Sincerely Yuki 1933" in blue ink. Caption on album page: "Oakland" and "Miss Yuki Furuta '33"

Portrait of woman (ddr-ajah-6-331)
Caption below photo: Eiko Furuta Kono, first wife of Hikotaro "Harry" Kono. She died of Tuberculosis on February 4, 1929. Alameda, CA

Storage list for Mrs. H. Furuta (ddr-sbbt-2-85)
A check-in list for goods belonging to Mrs. H. Furuta, moved from the Buddhist Church (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple) to Lyon Van and Storage Company's lot 607.

Group of young men on Berkeley campus (ddr-densho-341-54)
Caption: Left to right, Geo. Hara, Sac'to Bunky Uesato, Hawaii Joe Omachi, Loomis Harry Iwamoto June Ajari, Danville Bill Furuta.

Mass removal (ddr-densho-36-17)
Ritsuko Terayama (left) and Sumiko Furuta as they leave the island on a ferryboat. (Lucille Galbraith, Bainbridge Island Japanese American Community (BIJAC). On March 30, 1942, Japanese Americans from Bainbridge Island became one of the first groups to be excluded, presumably because of their proximity to the Puget Sound Navy Yard (Terminal Island, near Los Angeles, …

Storage list for S. and Yoichi Furuta (ddr-sbbt-2-127)
A check-in list for goods belonging to S. and Yoichi Furuta, moved from the Buddhist Church (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple) to Lyon Van and Storage Company's lot 649.

Aerial view of farm land (ddr-densho-63-1)
This farm land was owned by seven Japanese families including the Hashiguchis, whose land is on the far left. The other families were: Takeshita, Suguro, Aramaki, S. Aramaki, Furuta, and Maruyama.

Seattle Chapter, JACL Reporter, Vol. III, No. 6, June 1966 (ddr-sjacl-1-85)
Bulletin covering the following topics: working on raising funds for Land Law repeal, local chapter goal $9,000; Variety show fundraiser a success, report; Annual picnic in August; Phil Hayasaka column; first Seattle JACL scholarships, 3-$100 Geraldine Furuta, Nancy Shiogi, Wayne Yoda.

Women on dock (ddr-densho-359-368)
Japanese American women pose at a Girls' Club Picnic. From left to right: Yoshie Terayama, Sumiko Koura, Ritsuko Terayama

Poston Official Daily Press Bulletin Vol. III No. 30 (August 26, 1942) (ddr-densho-145-91)
Selected article titles: "Axis Solidarity Falls in Montana..." (p. 1), "Rural Population to be Increased" (p. 1), "Lumber Supply Curtailed for Poston III Intake" (p. 2), "Furuta of Poston 1 Reported Missing" (p. 2), "Mulberry & Eucalypti Trees Arrived" (p. 3), "Hydrants Not to Be Used for Irrigation, Report" (p. 4).

Courier League baseball team (ddr-densho-34-79)
The Bainbridge Courier Class A baseball champions for 1939. Back row, left to right: Mac Hamamura, Mo Nakata, Sam Nakao, Nobuichi Moritani, George Okazaki, Bill Okazaki, Taketo Omoto. Center row, left to right: Seiji Okazaki, Nabo Okazaki, Nob Oyama, Shig Furuta, Ichiro Nagatani. Front row, left to right: Kiyo Nagatani, Ken Nakata.

Property storage list for Buddhist Mission Society (ddr-sbbt-2-36)
A list of names and locations for property stored at the Buddhist Mission Society (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple) building addressed to C.C. Cawsey, General Contractor. Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple; Cawsey, C. C.; Aoki, Seiji; Ariyasu, T.; Aoki, H.; Akano, K.; Akada, Shigejiro; Akada, Asakichi; Akada, A.; Asakura, U.; Abe, Y.; Asaoka, A.; Asaoka, T.; Akada, Riyoichi; …

Progress report: content (ddr-csujad-40-2)
The progress report contains Dave and Roy's report about the Information Field Offices at the Manzanar incarceration camp. The report is written by several authors and covers field offices, voluntary service corps, office supplies, family reunion applications, personnel, lost and found department, resident's directory, and letters for residents. Included are: Progress Report on the information service …

Football team (ddr-densho-23-17)
Organized sports such as baseball and football were important for the Japanese American community because they encouraged cohesiveness. Teams composed entirely of Nisei competed against one another. Several Nisei sports leagues were formed in the 1930s. Front (left to right): Torazo Hikida, Ken Shimbo, George Ishii, Jackson Sonada, Genji Nishimura (holding football), "Nap" Nishisaka, Fred Kosaka, …

Storage list for kitchen items (ddr-sbbt-2-391)
A check-in list for extra kitchen items belonging to multiple individuals, moved from the Buddhist Church (Seattle Betsuin Buddhist Temple) to Lyon Van and Storage Company's lot 914.

Property storage list (ddr-sbbt-2-37)
A lists of names and locations for stored property. Yoshimura, J.; Nomura, S.; Okamoto, M.; Ujimoto, N.; Yamanaka, K.; Mizuta, S.; Matsui, J.; Tsutsumi, N.; Yoshimura, M.; Miyake, Y.; Miyake, H.; Izui; Shioyama, K.; Matsuda, Haruye; Hirokane, T.; Iwamura, K.; Suzuki, Y.; Kuromiya, S.; Edamura, H.; Kokita, K.; Takahashi, T.; Morinaga, T.; Shimizu, N.; Fukuhara, H. …
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