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341 items
Fumiko (ddr-densho-287-157)
img Fumiko (ddr-densho-287-157)
Photograph of Fumiko holding a book. Written to the right of the image on the album page is "Fumiko" in white ink.
Fumiko (ddr-densho-287-634)
img Fumiko (ddr-densho-287-634)
Portrait of Fumiko. Written across the photograph is "To Milton Yours [illegible]" in faded blue ink. Written on the album page below the image "Fumiko" in black ink.
Fumiko Kawabata (ddr-njpa-4-586)
img Fumiko Kawabata (ddr-njpa-4-586)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Fumiko Kawabata, real name Fumie Tachibana, called at port by the Taiyo Maru on February 9, 1938."
Fumiko Kawabata (ddr-njpa-4-585)
img Fumiko Kawabata (ddr-njpa-4-585)
Caption on reverse [translation]: "Fumiko Kawabata, real name Fumie Tachibana, on the Taiyo Maru, February 9, 1938."
Fumiko Yabe (ddr-csujad-55-2517)
doc Fumiko Yabe (ddr-csujad-55-2517)
Essay about Japanese American singer Fumiko Yabe. Covers Yabe's performances on December 7, 1941 and in June 1942 at the Walerga Assembly Center, that is, the Sacramento Assembly Center. See also sac_jaac_2622. See this object in the California State Universities Japanese American Digitization project site: sac_jaac_2623
Portrait of Fumiko
img Portrait of Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara in formal dress (ddr-ajah-6-523)
Caption below photo: 1932 Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara of Alameda, CA. Inscription on photo front: Sincerely yours Fumiko Itahara '32
Caryl Fumiko Okuma (ddr-densho-122-675)
img Caryl Fumiko Okuma (ddr-densho-122-675)
Caption: First Wife, Caryl Fumiko Okuma Sen [sic] Francisco 1940
Portrait of Fumiko (ddr-janm-1-120)
img Portrait of Fumiko (ddr-janm-1-120)
Black and white portrait of Fumiko. She has curly hair and is wearing a white shirt/dress. Written on the photograph is: "To Molly. Love Fumiko". One of eight photographs on a portion of a scrapbook page.
Fumiko Hayashida Interview (ddr-densho-1000-15)
vh Fumiko Hayashida Interview (ddr-densho-1000-15)
Nisei female. Born January 21, 1911, in Winslow, Washington. Grew up in Japan and the Fletcher's Bay area of Bainbridge Island, Washington. Member of the first group of Japanese Americans to be forcibly removed from their homes and incarcerated. Incarcerated at Manzanar concentration camp, California, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho, while pregnant and caring for two …
Fumiko Hayashida Interview (ddr-densho-1001-1)
vh Fumiko Hayashida Interview (ddr-densho-1001-1)
Nisei female. Born January 21, 1911, in Winslow, Washington. Grew up in Japan and the Fletcher's Bay area of Bainbridge Island, Washington. Member of the first group of Japanese Americans to be forcibly removed from their homes and incarcerated. Incarcerated at Manzanar concentration camp, California, and Minidoka concentration camp, Idaho, while pregnant and caring for two …
Family reunion (ddr-densho-61-1)
img Family reunion (ddr-densho-61-1)
Fumiko Hayashida and her siblings. L to R: Nobuko, Fujio, Midori, Shigeko, Fumiko. All of Fumiko's other siblings had passed away at the time this photo was taken.
Family outing (ddr-densho-113-57)
img Family outing (ddr-densho-113-57)
L to R: Tetsumasa Uyeda, Ayako Uyeda, Fumiko Uyeda.
Portrait of Fumiko
img Portrait of Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara (ddr-ajah-6-526)
Caption below photo: Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara of Alameda, CA., 1932
img Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara standing in garden (ddr-ajah-6-518)
Caption below photo: Fumiko "Nellie" Itahara, Alameda, CA circa 1930
Article regarding Japanese American music student (ddr-njpa-4-680)
doc Article regarding Japanese American music student (ddr-njpa-4-680)
Article title: "Lucky lady Miss Fumiko Maeshira, an American, offered scholarship."