3 items
3 items
Hideichi Fukunaga receiving an award (ddr-njpa-5-854)
Caption on reverse: "Fukunaga Honored: Peter H. Fukunaga, well-known Honolulu businessman, was honored as Hawaii's 1957 "Father of the Year" by the Retail Board of the Chamber of Commerce of Honolulu yesterday noon at the Tree Fern Room of the Hawaiian Village Hotel. He is shown being presented with a calabash by Territorial Secretary Farrant L. …
Governor Samuel Wilder King and others listening to a speech (ddr-njpa-2-255)
Caption on reverse: "FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF WALTER-MCCARRAN ACT NOTED: The first anniversary of the Walter-McCarran Act, which eliminated all racial barriers to naturalization in the United States for the first time, was celebrated at a dinner sponsored by the Naturalization Encouragement Association of Honolulu last night at the Waikiki Lau Yee Chai. Frank J. Drees, director …
Hideichi Fukunaga standing with three other men (ddr-njpa-5-852)
Caption on reverse: "Borg-Warner Official Visits Here: Claude Pitts (second from left), manager of the industrial and utility section, Borg-Warner International Corporation, recently visited here to service his leading accounts, Service Motor Co., Ltd., and Easy Appliance Co. of Honolulu, territorial distributors for Norge Home Appliances and Hamilton Beach Appliances. He left here Monday for Guam, …