15 items
15 items
College of Puget Sound Japanese American club (ddr-densho-109-38)
Front Row (L to R): Jack Hata, Aiko Kimura, Yoshiko Fujimoto, Yoshiye Jinguji, Margaret Yamamoto, Kenji Oyanagi. Back row (L to R): Tom Gato, Masayoski Jinguji, Jimmy Yoshioka, Hide Sato, Jimmy Yamamoto, Mine Tsuchikawa.
Reveille Volume 1, Number 1 (ddr-densho-390-133)
The inaugural issue of Reveille includes articles about the Scout Christmas party, athletic and outdoor events, scout number changes, Lil' Neebo illustrator Chris Ishii, a call to join the scouts, a short story, and more. One article mentions 14 boy scouts saved a flag from a mob during the Manzanar riot.
Pacific Citizen, Vol. 48, No. 23 (June 5, 1959) (ddr-pc-31-23)
Selected article titles: "Oregon governor names JACLer to state agricultural board" (p. 1), "Toronto editorial asks Canadian gov't to apologize for its Japanese evacuation" (p. 1), "Control of Seabrook farms transferred" (p. 1), "2,600 U.S. Issei naturalized in 1958 fiscal year" (p. 1), "Editorial samplings of nation's press supports Justice Dept. view on evacuation; one columnist …
Reveille Volume 1, Number 6 (ddr-densho-390-138)
The sixth issue of the Reveille includes articles about Mother's Day, a short story, upcoming events, updates on troops at other camps, and more.
Amache Reunion materials folder (ddr-densho-390-140)
An Amache reunion materials folder with an itinerary printed on the inside.
1981 Membership Roster MIS Association of Northern California (ddr-ajah-2-23)
Contact information redacted
Divisions and Personnel at Merced Assembly Center (ddr-densho-356-777)
Booklet that lists staff in each division at Merced Assembly Center.
Scrapbook for Southern Alameda County Chapter of JACL (ddr-densho-491-180)
Containing photos, meeting notes, document related to special events, membership lists, social events from 1953-1955
Japanese Immigrants in Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming (ddr-densho-423-339)
Including photos of businesses and homes, family portraits, state maps. Section of full and partial page advertisements for businesses including photos and proprietors between pages 272 and 273.