299 items
299 items

Fujii Family (ddr-densho-357-370)
Left to right: Mary Fujii, Sally Fujii, Hanako Fujii, Kimiki (last name unknown), Sumi (last name unknown).

Sally and Mary Fujii (ddr-densho-357-30)
Sally and Mary wear identical dresses, with bows in their hair. Their dog lays between them on the top step. Left to right: Sally Fujii, Mary Fujii.

Fujii Family (ddr-densho-357-371)
Left to right: Sally Fujii, Kimiki (last name unknown), Hanako Fujii, Sumi (last name unknown).

Fujii Family (ddr-densho-357-372)
Left to right: Sumi (last name unknown), Hanako Fujii, Hiroko Terakawa, Mrs. Fujii (first name unknown), Sally Fujii, unknown boy.

Letter from Sally to Kizie Fujii (ddr-densho-433-33)
Sally writes to Kizie (Kimiko) Fujii with updates on her life.

Domoto family (ddr-densho-443-150)
Photograph of Sally (Fujii) Domoto outside with her three children. From left to right: Anyo Domoto, Miki Domoto, Kathie Domoto, and Sally (Fujii) Domoto. Written along the bottom of the photograph is "May 1947" in blue ink.

Fujii Family (ddr-densho-357-369)
Left to right in back: Mary Fujii, Sally Fujii, Hanako Fujii, Kimiki (last name unknown), Sumi (last name unknown). Hiroko Terakawa stands in front of the group.

Mount Eden (ddr-densho-357-28)
The Fujii sisters and Yuri wear wide-brimmed hats and stand amidst a field of wildflowers. Left to right: Mary Fujii, Yuri Negi (in back), Sally Fujii.

Domoto family (ddr-densho-443-151)
Photograph of Sally (Fujii) Domoto sitting on the porch steps with her three children. From left to right: Miki Domoto, Sally (Fujii) Domoto, Kathie Domoto, and Anyo Domoto. Written along the bottom of the photograph is "1947" in blue ink.

Sally Domoto tending to infant on porch (ddr-densho-329-772)
Kaneji Domoto (left) and Sally (Fujii) Domoto (right) on the porch with baby Kathie Domoto (center)

Junior Floricultural Society of Norther California (ddr-densho-356-16)
Large group photograph of the Junior Floricultural Society of Northern California. Identified on the first row far left is Kaneji Domoto, and fourth row far left is Yuriko Domoto, and second row fifth from the left is Mr. Fujii (Sally Domoto (Fujii)'s father), and Sally Domoto (Fujii) is in the fourth row second from the left.

Letter from Sally to Kizie Fujii (ddr-densho-433-31)
Sally writes to Kizie (Kimiko) Fujii about her life as a housewife and others' plans for leaving the concentration camp.

Sally (Fujii) Domoto (ddr-densho-329-703)
In envelope labeled: "Raplan Zole" on one side and "Family" on the other

Picnic (ddr-densho-443-164)
Photograph of three people sitting at a picnic table. From front to back is Miki Domoto, Sally (Fujii) Domoto, and unidentified.

Letter to Yuri Domoto from Sally Domoto (ddr-densho-356-552)
Letter to Yuriko Domoto Tsukada from her sister-in-law Sally Fujii Domoto. Sally writes a congratulatory letter to Yuri on her upcoming wedding. Item tied together with all objects between ddr-densho-356-551 and ddr-densho-356-577.

Sally and Kristine (ddr-densho-443-187)
Photograph of Sally (Fujii) Domoto holding her daughter Kristine "Krissy" Domoto. Written below the image on the album page is "Audubon Sanctuary" in white pencil.

Two people in camp (ddr-densho-329-727)
Sally (Fujii) Domoto (left) standing next to a young man who is possibly Kaneji Domoto (right) with a dog in front of a barracks in camp

Kaneji and Sally Domoto (ddr-densho-443-146)
Photograph of Kaneji Domoto (left) and his wife Sally (Fujii) Domoto (right) standing together outside. Written below the image on the album page is "Taken by Miki" in white pencil.

Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Hanako Fujii (ddr-densho-329-942)
Letter from Sally to her sister Hanako. Sally has had lots of visitors and she is tired. "I guess it's pretty bad to become just a housewife but I guess I might as well try to do a decent job of it as long as I can't do much else with the kids as young as …

Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Hanako Fujii (ddr-densho-329-941)
Letter from Sally to her sister Hanako in Topaz sharing general updates. She will have pictures taken of the kids soon and send them. Andy, a young cousin, has been coming to visit from a nearby college. Hasn't heard from her sister Sue (Sumiko), trying to get in touch. Lots of visitors: a visit from Wak …

Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Hanako Fujii (ddr-densho-329-940)
Letter from Sally to her sister Hanako in Topaz thanking her for Christmas gifts and asking "how was Christmas in camp?" She got a card from Kaneji saying he spent New Year's with them. Invites her sister and family to come relocate to join them on the East Coast. Kan passed his physical but "he's got …

Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Hanako Fujii (ddr-densho-329-949)
Letter to Choko (Hanako) Fujii for her birthday explaining gift.

Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Kimiko Fujii Kitayama (ddr-densho-329-944)
Letter from Sally thanking Kimiko for a package of gifts, mostly clothes for the children. Visiting friends Al and Connie Clempner (?) have moved to the area and Sally is distressed about having to spend time with their badly behaved child. A Japanese architect friend has suggested that they apply for a Ford Foundation grant and …

Letter from Sally (Fujii) Domoto to Kimiko Fujii Kitayama (ddr-densho-329-946)
Letter from Sally. She talks about her advancing pregnancy, changes in her figure, speculations about the sex of the baby. The start of summer vacation, a recent visit from Hana for a weekend. "I guess the JACL convention must be over by now - hope you had a good time.� Discusses possibility of bringing their mother …